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Addison's POV

"Savannah! Weiss! It's good to see you again." My good friends Savannah and Weiss Hunter have come to Seattle Grace Hospital because Savannah has the BRCA gene.

"It's good to see you too Addie. Where's your girlfriend and daughter?" Savannah asked me, referring to Meredith and Cordelia. The door of my office opened to reveal Cordelia in her Care Bears sweater, jeans and Heelys shoes. Cordelia runs over to me and sat on my lap before looking at my friends.

"Cordelia, these are my good friends Savannah and Weiss. Guys this is my daughter Cordelia."

"Aren't you just precious?" Savannah says, causing Cordelia to smile before eating my croissant.

"Hey you little thief." I say before tickling Cordelia, causing her to burst into little giggles. Turning back to face my friends, I opened up Savannah's file and began looking over it.

"A positive test result isn't the end of the world Sav. It just means that you have a gene mutation that could-"

"I know what it is. I've talked to the genetic counselor. I've been to my gynaecologist and now I'm here. Addie, you're the best surgeon there is." Savannah tells me.

"True. But this isn't surgical and you don't have cancer."

"And I have no intention of getting it. I want you to take out my ovaries and the uterus. And when that's done you're going to find the best person out there to cut off my breasts." Savannah tells me and I nod in agreement.

"How do you feel about this Weiss?"

"I didn't like it at first but after hearing you telling us about how you adopted Cordelia, I felt a little better. We've applied to be foster parents with the hope of adopting." Weiss tells me with a smile.

"That's great to hear. I'm going to examine Savannah and then we'll go from there. You are welcome to sit here or go to the cafeteria."

"Is Cordelia allowed hot chocolate?" Weiss asked me and I nodded in response.

"Mama, do I have to go with him? Men always hurt me." Cordelia signed, causing me to place a kiss on her head.

"You don't have to come with me Cordelia, but I promise I won't let anyone hurt you." Weiss tells Cordelia.

"I trust you but I am not ready to be alone with a man. I am sorry Uncle Weiss and Auntie Savannah." Cordelia signed to both of my friends.

"It's alright sweetie. Your uncle and I completely understand." Savannah says and Weiss nods in agreement before leaving my office.


Meredith's POV

"Addison's friends are here because one of them is her patient. Cordelia's with them and seems to love them already, from what Addison's told me. But she still doesn't want to be alone with men, which is understandable in her case."

"Shouldn't he be more excited? Maybe he's in shock, I don't know. But I mean he survived! It's huge! He's got to realize things happen for a reason." George tells me, referring to his patient that fell off a building and miraculously survived without much injuries.

"What's with the 'Hello Kitty' on your forehead?" Cristina asked me when she walked over to us, indicating to the bandaid on my forehead.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I have a test date. Burke is testing me." Cristina tells us.

"Carpe diem. This is the luckiest day in the world!" George tells us and I roll my eyes at him.

"Tell that to the bird." Cristina and I both tell him, referring to the bird that saved his patient's fall before dying.

"The bird would have a better attitude than you two." George muttered before walking away from us. Cristina started showing me the dresses that she wanted my opinion on for her date tonight. She was wearing a white floral one over her scrubs while holding both a red dress and purple dress in her hands.

"Which one is right?" Cristina asks me.

"For what? You're going to look hot in either one." Addison and Cordelia walked over to us and I hugged Cordelia close to me.

"She's right, you're going to look hot in either one. If it helps, Preston is nervous about this date as well. He asked me what restaurant he should take you to. But if you really want to know what dress to wear, I think the purple one. What do you think she should wear angel?" Addison says to all of us.

"The purple dress, but Cristina looks beautiful in all of them." Cordelia signed, causing Cristina to smile at her.

"Thanks Cordelia and Addison." Cristina tells both of them before leaving.

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