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Addison's POV

"Addison, did you know a Matthew Grey back in New York?" Cordelia signed while I placed her lunch on the table.

"Yes why?"

"Matthew is my biological father. He hurt me along with Derek. Did you know that they were hurting me?" Cordelia signed, causing my eyes to widen in shock. Bending down to Cordelia's level, I placed my hands on top of her knees.

"Angel, I didn't know that he was your father or that he hurt you. Remember that promise that I made you when we first met?"

"That Derek will never hurt me again." Cordelia signed.

"That promise also applies to Matthew and other people who have hurt you before. I promise that nobody will hurt you again because your mother and I will make sure of it. I pinky promise." I state before placing my pinky in front of her and Cordelia latched her pinky onto mine.

"I-I b-believe y-you A-Addie." Cordelia said with a smile before I stood back up and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You would make a really good mommy Addie." Cordelia signed before taking a bite of her food and I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you sweetheart, but I can't have children of my own. My body's not made that way."

"You and Mommy can both be my mommies. If that is alright with you?" Cordelia signed.

"I would love too angel but only if it's okay with your mommy." Cordelia nodded in response before going back to her meal.


Meredith's POV

"Mommy, these are for you and Nana." Cordelia signed before handing me two dvds that said 'Ellis Grey's Legacy'. Opening one of the dvds, I put it in the television and pressed play to reveal my mother's surgeries.

"Tapes get old and wear out so I thought maybe this could keep Nana's legacy alive." Cordelia signed with a smile on her face. Addison told me about how Cordelia wanted her to be her other mother. Addison also told me how she knew Matthew but didn't know he was a father or that he and Derek hurt Cordelia. She explained that she only saw Matthew a few times and didn't trust him along with her other friends. But Addison promised that she would protect Cordelia like she was her own daughter. I believe Addison and that's why I gave her permission for her to be Cordelia's other mother.

"I love it little one and so will Nana when I bring her copy to the home on Saturday."

"Can I come to the hospital on Saturday to watch some surgeries?" Cordelia signed.

"You may, but I will have leave early to take care of things for Nana. If you want you can come with me or go with George."

"I can go with George. I trust him Mommy." Cordelia says before hugging me and I hugged her back.

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