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Cordelia's POV

Elliott lies in his bed, paler than before and only moving his hand to hold mine. A teenage boy with black hair and green eyes entered the room and gave me a sympathetic smile. Overnight, Elliott's condition got worse and is expected to die today. I hoped that he didn't, but that's a really big wish on my part.

"I'm Grayson Carpenter and you must be Cordelia." Grayson says and I nodded in response.

"Thank you for being Elliott's friend. His other so called friends abandoned him the minute that he was diagnosed with Leukaemia." Grayson says while I looked over at Elliott's heart rate monitor and could see that it was slowing down, indicating that he's dying.

"You made him happier in these last few months, than in the two years that he's been fighting this disease." Grayson tells me while tears started to appear in my eyes.

"Don't cry Cordelia. I'll always be with you, even if you can't see me. Grayson, tell Sarah and Hannah about me. Tell our parents to go out and have some fun. Oh and ask that boy out!" Elliott says, causing Grayson to chuckle.

"I'll ask him out. Don't worry about our sisters because they'll always know who you are. As for our parents, I'll try my best." Grayson says with tears in his eyes.

"What's heaven like?" Elliott asks us, causing me to remember when Father killed a baby in front of me. The baby was so small and would've looked like he was sleeping, if it wasn't for the obvious injuries on him.

"You will no longer be in pain. You will be an angel just like your grandparents. You will be at peace and always watch over your loved ones. It is okay to let go Elliott." I signed to Elliott who smiles at me.

"It's okay little brother, you can go to the light." Grayson says before Elliott closes his eyes and his rate monitor goes to zero. Grayson moves me away from the bed and the nurses immediately entered the room. Izzie also entered the room and glares at me, before grabbing my arm.

"You aren't supposed to be here, retard!" Izzie says before dragging me out of the room. She brought me into an on-call room and began to break both of my arms. Screaming in pain, the door opened to reveal Alice.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?!" Alice screamed before grabbing me off Izzie.

"She was disobeying orders not to go into Elliott's room." Izzie says, causing me to look at her with a confused look on my face.

"Cordelia had permission you twat!" Alice says before walking over to Izzie, and proceeded to break her fingers and hands. Once finished, Alice gently grabs me by the shoulders and ushered me out of the room.


Amelia Shepherd's POV

"I got your messages Alice. What's going on?" I asked upon entering a hospital room where Cordelia was lying in a bed, sobbing her heart out.

"Isobel broke both of Cordelia's arms because she was in Elliott's room. He passed away today and she said goodbye to him. Isobel dragged Cordelia out of the room and into an on-call room, where she proceeded to hurt her. So I broke the bitch's hands and fingers so she can't do surgery for a long time." Alice explained to me and I immediately texted both Meredith and Addison to tell them that they were needed immediately.

"W-What d-did I-I d-do w-wrong? A-Am I-I b-bad a-and e-evil l-like F-Father s-says?" Cordelia asks us with tears in her eyes. She reminded me of myself at her age, lonely and feeling like everything was my fault. The only two people that gave a shit about me at that age were Mark and Addison. Walking over to Cordelia's hospital bed, I sat next to her and hugged her.

"You are not bad or evil. Matthew Grey is an abusive piece of shit. Isobel Stevens just believes that she's top shit at this hospital, but she's not so she's mean to everyone. I'm sorry Elliott died Cordelia."

"It is okay Auntie Amelia." Cordelia signed when a teenage boy entered the room and gave Cordelia a smile.

"I'm Elliott's brother, Grayson. I tried to stop that doctor from grabbing Cordelia." Grayson explained to me.

"Dr. Amelia Shepherd. It's nice to meet you Grayson."

"Is she okay?" Grayson asked me while looking over at Cordelia.

"She's going to be okay." Grayson nodded before leaving and Addison ran into the room.

"Meredith's just finishing up with a patient and Callie's going to operate on Cordelia in an hour. She just has to finish up with a patient." Addison explains to me while Cordelia was tuning everything out.

"If I could kill anyone and not be in trouble, I'd kill all those who've harmed Cordelia."

"Me too Amy." Addison responded before playing with Cordelia's hair.


Meredith's POV

"Dr Bailey? Claire Rice's abdominal CTs." Dr. Bailey looks at the results before looking at me.

"Is this girl fat?" Dr. Bailey asks me.

"Not at all. She's a normal college kid."

"So, what do you see?" Dr. Bailey asked me.

"Her stomach's stapled. She's had a gastric bypass and a bad one at that." Dr. Bailey nods and the two of us headed to Claire's room. Mr. and Mrs. Rice both looked at us while Claire was reading a book.

"We need to talk to you both out in the hallway." Dr. Bailey says to both parents who nod and we all headed back outside.

"Gastric bypass is a procedure normally done on obese patients to help them lose weight."

"Claire? She doesn't need to lose weight." Mr. Rice tells us and I mentally agreed with him.

"It is so typical of this girl to take the easy way out. She's done it with everything since she was a little kid." Mrs. Rice says, causing Dr. Bailey and I to give each other looks before facing the parents.

"Mrs. Rice, nothing about this is going to be easy. She's going to face a lifelong struggle with malnutrition unless she has surgery to reverse the procedure." Dr. Bailey tells the parents.

"Do the surgery. I told her to watch the freshman fifteen. Don't eat junk, exercise. But when she came home Christmas, who had to take her out and buy her a brand new pair of size 6 jeans because she couldn't get in the ones I got her last summer?" Mrs. Rice tells us and her husband.

"Tina, you know, she tries so hard. She does. She gets good grades. She gets A's." Mr. Rice defended his daughter to his wife.

"She had illegal surgery in Mexico." Mrs. Rice replied to her husband.

"Unfortunately, there were complications with the bypass."

"What do you mean?" Mr. Rice asks us.

"She has what looks like an abscess under her diaphragm, and edema, which is a swelling of the bowel wall. I can't say for certain she'll recover completely." Dr. Bailey explains to the parents.

"Just do whatever you have to do to make her well, ok?" Mr. Rice pleaded with us.

"We'll do everything we can Mr. Rice." The parents headed back into the room and I get paged to a room on the paediatric ward. Running to the elevator, I entered into and pressed the button to the paediatric ward. When I arrived on the paediatric ward, I ran out of the elevator and ran towards the room. Cordelia was laying on a bed with Grey next to her and tears in her blue eyes while Addison was playing with her hair.

"What happened?"

"Isobel did this. Don't worry love, I made sure she knew never to mess with little love again." Alice says when Callie enters the room and gives Cordelia a smile.

"Mija, I'm going to fix your arms. Grey can come with us as well." Callie tells Cordelia who nodded before Callie wheeled her out of the room.

"Cordelia talked to me and asked me if she was bad or evil. Your brother made that sweet girl believe that she's evil and bad! If I ever meet your brother, I will kill him and gladly go to jail for it." Amelia says while running a hand through her hair. Same here, but I'm adding Izzie to my list...

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