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Cordelia's POV

Mama and I both entered the elevator to see Richard and Derek also there. Mommy left my hospital room earlier this morning because she had an earlier shift, so Mama had to help get me ready today. Tomorrow I finally get to leave the hospital and go home because that means I can finally get my gift from Auntie Amelia. Uncle Mark had to return to New York yesterday but promised to come see me for Thanksgiving. Auntie Amelia would be returning to Los Angeles next week for work, but she also promised to come for the holidays.

"Satan?" Richard says before looking at Mama.

"Good morning. Richard, like the hat." Mama said while wrapping an arm around me and I leaned into her embrace, before giving Richard a smile.

"Satan speaks." Derek says, causing me to glare at him.

"N-Not n-nice D-Derek."

"You're right angel, it isn't nice. Besides Derek knows that I prefer to be called ruler of all that is evil. But I will answer to Satan." Mama says with a smile, causing both Richard I to laugh.

"Derek, I could use you on a consult. Will you meet me up there?" Mama asked Derek who nods before Mama and I exited the elevator. Mama headed to her office while I walked to the nurses' station where Olivia and Tyler were standing, doing paperwork.

"Watch it! Hands off me! I could report you to the chief and you'd be out on your ass." Nana's voice shouts throughout the hallway, causing me to see her in a gurney. Mommy's eyes widened as she walked over to me.

"Where is the chief?!? Where is the chief?!? You're all amateurs." Nana continues to shout, causing me to bolt over to my grandmother.

"N-Nana, i-it i-is o-ok." Nana stops shouting and looks over at me before cupping my head in her hands.

"Hello darling. You aren't due to visit today. Are you?" Nana asked me, causing Izzie to laugh at at my stuttering.

"You are at Seattle Grace Hospital because you are sick. You have to let the doctors treat you so you can get better and do more surgeries." I signed to Nana, who gave me a smile.

"Dr. Ellis Grey has Alzheimer's." Cristina says, reading her chart before looking at both Mommy and I. Mommy removes me from Nana's embrace before Olivia and Tyler wheeled Nana to a private room.

"No wonder you didn't want to tell us about Ellis. You're scared that we'll see how fucked up your family really is. I mean there's already a stuttering retard and a child abuser, now the great Ellis Grey has Alzheimer's! What's next, Meredith being schizophrenic?" Izzie says and I couldn't help the anger that filled my heart. Say stuff about me and Matthew all she wants, but she's crossed the line by insulting Mommy and Nana!

"F-Fuck y-you I-Isobel!" Everyone had wide eyes at my swearing, but Alex was also shocked that I spoke. They're going to get mad at me! Running back to the elevator, I entered inside and pressed the button to the main floor. The elevator stopped on the main floor and I run out of the hospital when I bumped into someone. Looking up, I see a woman with brown hair and green eyes but she had Matthew's nose.

"Are you alright?" The woman asked me and I shook my head.

"My name's Alexandra Grey but everyone calls me Lexie." Lexie tells me with a kind smile.

"My name is Cordelia Elise Grey-Forbes Montgomery. My biological father is Matthew Thatcher Grey but he is in jail for abusing me. My biological aunt Meredith Grey and her girlfriend Addison Forbes Montgomery adopted me as their own daughter. My grandmother is a patient here and I just cursed at a mean doctor for insulting her and Mommy, now I am afraid that they will hate me."

"Cordelia, I'm your half-aunt through your biological grandfather Thatcher Grey. I can promise you that nobody's going to hate you for saying a curse word. How about I call your moms and we'll sort this out?" Auntie Lexie suggested and I nodded before handing her my phone.


Lexie Grey's POV

"Do you like dogs?" Cordelia nods while we sat on the bench outside the hospital. Mom has told Molly and I about our older siblings, but not about what Matthew did.

"Thank you for watching her!" Meredith said when she runs over to us.

"No problem. I didn't know you worked here. I'm home because I'm helping my mom with our sister Molly, who's about eight months pregnant and I had to bring my residency application here."

"I know you didn't stalk me. Cordelia's got a way of bringing people together and I'd like to have a relationship with you as my sister, but I don't want our father involved. Only because Cordelia has a complicated relationship with men." Meredith explained to me and I nodded.

"How about if we do Thanksgiving with our families? That way dad can meet Cordelia without her worrying about him meeting her alone?" Meredith looks at Cordelia who nods in response and Meredith looks back at me.

"Okay but right now isn't a good time for us. Cordelia's got therapy and then she has some school work to do." Meredith explains to me.

"I can watch Cordelia. Molly's with my mom at her gynaecologist appointment and I don't know what dad's doing."

"Alright. Cordelia can show you to her hospital room." Meredith tells me before cupping Cordelia's face in her hands.

"Nobody's mad at you little one, well except for Izzie and she had that coming. Mama and I were just worried about you being hurt." Meredith tells Cordelia, who nods in response before hugging Meredith. Meredith hugs her back before entering the hospital and I give Cordelia a smile.

"So why don't you show me your room here?"


Meredith's POV

"Welcome back chief." Richard looks up at me as I entered his office with a smile on my face.

"It's good to be back, Dr. Grey. Uh what can I do for you?" Richard asked me and I handed him my mother's file.

"It's my mother sir. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I know you two are close. But she made me promise. She seems to be reliving the heyday of her residency a lot these days. And I just thought maybe if you could stop by and say hello, it would mean a lot to her."

"Well of course. How are you doing otherwise? How's Cordelia doing?" Richard asked me.

"She's okay. Actually she's with my newly discovered half-sister Lexie Grey."

"I know this must be hard for you, discovering that Thatcher has another family. But you're handling it well." Richard tells me and I gave him a smile.

"Cordelia and Addison have made me realize that I have a pretty good life. I have new friends and three surrogate siblings in Mark, Alice and Amelia. It's not Lexie's fault that our father and my mother split up. Plus Cordelia really likes Lexie and that makes me like her immediately." I tell Richard before leaving his office, bumping into Addison.


"It's alright. Actually I was looking for you Meredith. I talked to Bailey and if you want you can be on my service today." Addison tells me with a smile on her face as we started walking.

"I found out that I have a half-sister named Lexie and she's keeping an eye on Cordelia. You know I wouldn't leave Cordelia with anyone unless she likes them first. But what made Bailey put me on your service?"

"I need you to keep me from strangling Derek and Izzie." Addison says and I couldn't help but laugh.

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