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*this is Dr

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*this is Dr. Mabel Michaels(head of neuro and trauma, Teddy's wife and the mother of Leo, Alison and two other children)*

Cordelia's POV

"Thanks for meeting with us Audrina." Mama tells her attorney, Audrina Jareau as the two of us entered her office and sat down on the chairs. When I was younger I didn't get the luxury of going trick-or-treating and hiding it from my parents. I had secrets that I had to keep from everyone especially Matthew otherwise I'd be hurt. I'm still hiding from my moms and the rest of my family. I trusted my family but I'm still scared that they'll hurt me or leave me because of the secrets.

"Of course Addie. You must be Cordelia." Audrina says with a smile and I nodded in response.

"We need your help with talking to the cops about Stacy and Stella Franklin's murders. Cordelia witnessed Matthew murder them but she couldn't tell anyone because of her damaged vocal cords. When she tried writing it down at the hospital a cop yelled at her to talk." Mama explains to Audrina.

"So you want me to go with you to be her advocate when you talk to the cops?" Audrina asks Mama.

"Well be her lawyer so this doesn't happen again. Meredith or I will be there with you both to advocate for Cordelia." Mama explains while I rubbed my throat since I was thirsty, but I didn't want to interrupt.

"Oh my goodness! You must be thirsty. If you go out this office and turn to your right, there's a kitchen. Help yourself to any drinks in the fridge and cookies in the cupboard." Audrina tells me with a warm smile before I get up and walk out of the room towards the kitchen. A blonde girl around sixteen was sitting on the table working on some schoolwork when she looks up at me with matching blue eyes.

"You must be Cordelia. I'm Jean Jareau, Audrina's daughter. Well she's technically my biological aunt but she adopted me when I was eight because my biological mother is a drug addict." Jean says with a smile.

"My father abused me so my aunt and her girlfriend both recently adopted me." I signed.

"Mom gave me the gist of what happened because she wanted me to be aware in case I ran into you. Want something to drink?" Jean asks me and I nod before she gets up and grabs a soda from the fridge.

"Here you go. I have some of mom's favourite cookies in my bag. You want some?" Jean says with a smile and I smile back, nodding in response before sitting down in the chair in front of her.

"Will she not be mad?" I signed.

"Nah. My aunts JJ and Emily will bring mom more this weekend after they're done their FBI mission in Canada." Jean says before handing me some cookies.

"Thank you." I signed.

"No problem. Hey, if I ever meet your biological father I'll kick his ass." Jean says with a smile before eating a cookie.


Addison's POV

"Dorie, this is Dr. Stevens. She will be working with us on this case." Dorie Russell was lying on the bed while her husband Tom was on the phone.

"Oh, the more the merrier." Dorie says when Cordelia enters the room and sits down on one of the chairs.

"This is my daughter Cordelia. She is gifted and will sometimes shadow us while we're with patients. Her teacher is in Australia visiting family so you're going to see her a lot for the duration of your stay." Dorie nods with a smile while Cordelia was doing her schoolwork.

"Apparently. How far along are you?" Izzie says with a chuckle.

"Thirty-two weeks." Dorie answers.

"How long is the normal gestation period?" I asked Izzie.

"Forty weeks but with twins thirty-six weeks is considered full term so with quints thirty-four weeks is considered extremely successful." Izzie says. Cordelia looks up and smiles at Dorie who smiles back.

"Just give him some acetaminophen. It's, it's in the medicine cabinet." Tom says into the phone.

"I plan on going on thirty-six weeks. No one is leaving this uterus until I say so." Dorie says.

"Power of positive thinking, huh?"

"Well that, bed rest and all the medical care you can give me." Dorie says when her husband walks over to us.

"Adam's got a fever which means soon they'll all have a fever. I don't think my mum's going to manage." Tom tells his wife.

"We have four year old boys at home. Adam, Oliver and Graham." Dorie says, causing Izzie's eyes to widen in shock.

"Triplets? You already have triplets? I guess when you take those fertility pills you should read the fine print." Izzie says, causing Cordelia to glare at Izzie.

"It's okay, I'm used to it. I just really wanted a girl." Dorie says, causing my daughter to smile at her.

"Yeah, we just didn't bank on five girls." Tom says before I handed Izzie Dorie's chart.

"Try not to say every idiotic thing that pops into your brain." I muttered to Izzie before Cordelia and I leave the room.


Meredith's POV

"Cordelia and Addison talked to the lawyer about the girls Matthew killed. Cordelia met a new friend named Jean who's older. I'm glad she has a friend now but I wish it was in a different way." Cristina looks at me and gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Now that you tell me that I can't top that." Cristina says before going into her pocket and pulls out a key.

"Burke keyed you?"

"Got damn keyed before coffee. He's like these 1950s debutantes, one dance and there's a shot gun to your head." Cristina tells me.

"Let's not go that far with Burke. Yeah he put the key in your coffee cup, but you could have just put the key back and gotten another cup."

"Yeah, yeah. So is Amelia working here now?" Cristina asks me before drinking her coffee.

"Yes. She's working with Dr. Mabel Michaels."

"Now what does Cordelia want for Christmas?" Cristina asks me.

"To be honest all she wants is art supplies. You should really talk to Burke about this key situation."

"Yeah I know." Cristina says before the two of us drink our coffee.

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