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Meredith's POV

Running my hand through Cordelia's hair, I feel her relax against my body while suckling my breast. Cordelia's scars were healing nicely and they were less noticeable than before. I've got to hand it to Mark. He did an excellent job operating on Cordelia's scars. Cordelia was trying to rub her eyes but her broken arms wouldn't allow her to do that. Tears appeared in her eyes and I couldn't help but frown.

"I know little one. You're so tired and you just want to rub your eyes." I tell Cordelia before putting a blanket over my chest, covering Cordelia's head slightly. Cordelia's eyes started to close and I continued to run my hand through her light brown locks. Addison entered the room and sat on the chair next to the hospital bed.

"Is she asleep?" Addison whispered.

"Getting there. Everything alright?"

"Yeah. Just pissed at Derek for talking trash about Cordelia." Addison says before I looked down at my chest and see Cordelia fast asleep.

"Well he needs to get his ass handed to him."

"He does." Addison replied in agreement.

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