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*This is Dr. Rosalina Sousa(Cordelia's psychiatrist)*

Cordelia's POV

Entering my room, I see that my things are gone and Izzie's stuff was in it's place. I know Mommy didn't give Izzie permission because she has told me many times that this was my room. Plus George said that he'd offer to switch rooms with Izzie. Screaming, I started to punch the walls with both hands. It really hurt my injured arm but I don't care because today was a bad day and I needed to get out my emotions. Mommy and George both entered the room and pulled me away from the wall.

"M-My r-room! I-Izzie t-took i-it!" Mommy hugged me closely to her chest and began to rock me, causing me to put my thumb in my mouth.

"We're going to fix this little one." Mommy says before placing a kiss on top of my head. Standing up, I walked out of the room and run downstairs where Izzie was unpacking Nana's things. Walking over to Izzie, I punched her in the face.

"You little bitch!" Izzie yells when Mommy and George entered the living room.

"Don't you fucking dare call my daughter a bitch Isobel!" Mommy says before hugging me close to her.

"She punched me!" Izzie yells in response.

"You underhandedly switched Cordelia's room with yours after Meredith told you no! I'm surprised that she didn't do more than that!" George remarked before giving me a smile.

"You're going to put everything back to the way it was right now! Then you're going to pay for the renovations in Cordelia's room. After that, you'll leave my house." Mommy says and I looked up at her.

"She can stay Mommy. She needs a place to live." I signed to Mommy who nodded before placing a kiss onto the top of my head.

"Actually you can stay because Cordelia doesn't want you out on the street. But you're still going to pay for any renovations Cordelia wants and are going to put everything back right now. If you do something like this again, I won't hesitate to put you out on your ass." Mommy says before Izzie runs out of the living room.

"Can I get a lock for my door?" I signed to Mommy.

"I'll go pick it up tomorrow. Can George go look at your hands? I'm going to call Dr. Sousa." Mommy says, referring to my psychiatrist Dr. Rosalina Sousa. Nodding, I walked over to George and the two of us walked into the kitchen. Sitting on top of the table, I hold out my hands for George to look at.

"Can you move your arms for me?" George says and I do so, whimpering when I move my broken arm. My other arm hurts but not as much and George could sense this.

"I think you broke your arm again. Your other hand just needs some ice to reduce the swelling and then we'll wrap it up. Where's the ice?" George says and I pointed to the fridge behind him.

"Thanks. How about some ice cream? I could make you a sundae." George says and I nodded before he goes to the fridge. Mommy enters the kitchen with Rosalina right behind her.

"George, this is Cordelia's psychiatrist Dr. Rosalina Sousa. Rosalina this is my friend George O'Malley." Mommy says before looking at my hands.

"I'll go make sure Izzie is straightening Cordelia's room. Nice to meet you Dr. Sousa." George says with a smile before leaving.

"Your Mommy has told me what happened. She also told me about you sucking your thumb. Cordelia, you involuntarily age regress because you didn't have a good childhood. Age regression occurs when someone reverts to a younger state of mind. It can be done involuntarily or voluntarily but this helps a person relieve stress or deal with trauma." Rosalina says while Mommy puts ice on my hand and rubs my back into soothing circles.

"What do we do?" Mommy asks Rosalina.

"Treat Cordelia like a baby because that's what she needs. Cordelia, this isn't bad because it'll help you deal with your trauma and stress. Breastfeeding can be a way to bond if you two want to try it. You don't need to use milk because it's just a way for you two to bond." Rosalina tells us.

"Do you want to try this sweetheart?" Mommy asks me.



Meredith's POV

Izzie was sitting on the floor looking at the box containing my mother's surgical tapes. Cordelia was stimming by rocking on the balls of her feet.

"Are those my mother's surgical tapes? Where did all this stuff come from?"

"Oh, I unpacked some of your mother's things. I was upset, and when I'm upset I like to nest." Izzie said while Cordelia was clenching her non-broken hand into a fist. George entered the living room and looked at the tape in Izzie's hands.

"Everything's back in Cordelia's room." George says with a smile on his face.

"You're not watching my mother's surgery tapes! You didn't even ask if you could unpack these boxes! After what you pulled today, you should be lucky that I didn't kick you out of the house!" Cordelia covered her ears in response to my yelling and I picked her up, placing her on my hip.

"I'm sorry little one. I am just angry with Izzie." Cordelia placed her head on my chest and closed her eyes.

"I ordered Chinese food. I remembered that Cordelia loves the noodles, the breaded shrimp and the chicken balls. So I ordered some for her." George says with a smile.

"Thank you George. Sweetheart, George got your favourite." Cordelia opened her eyes and smiled at George.

"I already made her plate. I hope that's okay?" George said and Cordelia nodded, letting him know that it was okay.

"Cordelia's fine with it and so am I." The two of us headed into the kitchen and I see Cordelia's Care Bear plate full of food. Sitting at the table, I took a fork full of noodles and fed them to Cordelia.

"Mommy, can I please borrow Nana's tapes? I want to make a surprise." Cordelia signed before I fed her a bite of the chicken ball.

"Of course little one. They belong to you as well, but thank you for asking."


Addison's POV

"Addison, how can you put a bunch of tapes onto a dvd?" Cordelia signed while looking at her feet.

"Well angel we have to get a converter. Why are you asking?"

"I want to make it for Nana and Mommy. That way Nana's surgeries will not be lost." Cordelia signed and I give her a smile before hugging her. Meredith told me about Cordelia involuntarily age regressing mentally to help her deal with her trauma and stress. Cordelia didn't care that I knew, in face she told Meredith to tell me. Cordelia really trusted me and I'm not going to take it for granted.

"Well I can get a vhs to dvd converter and we can do it together. By Saturday I'll have it and on Monday we can do it."

"Please do not tell Mommy because I want to surprise her." Cordelia signed before hugging me.

"I won't tell angel. You have my word."

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