Chapter 1

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~Rosalie's POV~

It's been a month since I left the lovely state of California. I really do miss everyone but I needed time. Tbh I really don't know why I chose to leave. I just was overwhelmed with everything there. My mother has called and has been freaking out. I don't blame her but she left on vacation and didn't even say goodbye. All the guys have been calling and texting and tweeting me, even Taylor along with the guys I don't really even know.

First off, Nash has sent me tons upon tons of apology messages. I don't know what to do or say about them. I've kind of put it off. Some of his tweets were "So sorry for what has happened and what I have done, come back to MagCon @RosaliePrice" "Really am missing you, don't know how to deal without seeing you @RosaliePrice". I am not mad at Nash. I guess I never really was. I was just upset about what he said to me.

Cameron is even worse than Nash right now. Apparently he has been depressed and isn't his usual self. The guys have been trying to cheer him up but it's just not working. He has tweeted so many things about me. Cameron is probably the king of twitter due to all his tweeting lately. I don't know what to say to him either. I know it's a whole bunch of 'I don't know' but I really don't. It's hard to say, but I think I'm missing Cam the most. I didn't really talk to him before they left anyways. Alexis doesn't like him anymore and I want to see him. "@RosaliePrice baby, don't listen to anyone else, come back to me" "I want you to know I screwed up big time and it will haunt me forever @RosaliePrice" "Who cares? I will always love you @RosaliePrice" were some of his tweets.

It really pains me to hear all that is going on with MagCon. None of the guys are happy or themselves. All the fans are blaming me because of it. They're right. I just don't think I'm ready to go back. I could be wrong.

The movie did amazing, as did my songs. I'm more famous than ever. I just don't want the fame at this moment.

I sighed and laid my head on Pete's neck. I really missed this horse. He is such a stress reliever.

My phone rang, which caused us both to jump. I looked at the name and sighed but nodded before clicking accept.

Time to come back to the world.

~Nash's POV~

I really miss Rosalie. I heard about her leaving when the Jacks showed up without her. She posted an awful tweet on twitter that let us all know her whereabouts. The tweet was "Hate to tell you like this, I'm back in South Carolina. I don't know how long. @Nashgrier @camerondallas @JackandJack @ShawnMendes @TheMattEspinosa @taylorcaniff" I couldn't handle it. I tried to call her, I even texted her 178 times! She didn't answer anything or any one of us. I apologized too many times to count. I really can't believe she left. Her song with Jack and Jack skyrocketed. But, her song she sung by herself, topped the charts. It's nearly impossible to go that high in the music world from the start. I don't know why she would give it all away. MagCon sucks here without her. Tomorrow we are going to South Carolina for the tour and I hope we see her.

~Cameron's POV~

I can't believe she is really gone. Words cannot describe how much I miss her. We ended in bad terms and then she left back to her home. I can't believe I did what I did to her. I want to take it all back. I have been the most affceted out of everyone and they know it. I ignored what Nash did. It's just not my place at this time. I would understand why he loves her. What's not to love? I am extremely proud of how far she has come with her music and acting. It's amazing. When I saw the tweet, I nearly broke down. We were on the stage at MagCon too. Everyone got the tweet, we all looked at it and became upset. No one was happy or having fun anymore. It sucked. She's been getting a lot of hate because of it, of course she has her own fans now, but I still feel protective over her. Right now, we are in the airport to go to South Carolina. It's the tour's next stop. I feel the need to try one more time to call her. I just want to hear her voice.

I took a deep breath and clicked on her contact.

My heart beated faster when the first thing she said was, "I'm ready to come back."









Short chapter but it's book 2! It kicks back up from what happened in the ending of the last book. It took me a while to make it because I was extremely busy and I wanted the perfect first chapter. Well, I hope you have enjoyed numero uno. Bye ring dings! (brb dying bc its an inside joke)


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