Chapter 6

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There ended up being no broken bones so I'm back at the hotel. Our manager said that we can wait to leave but I told him it's fine. I wouldn't want to disappoint any more fans. I called Alex and Lily to make sure that they are okay. They said that they realized who they were and left right away. Apparently Walker is in police custody right now but only time will tell. 

"I'll take your bags." Cameron takes my suitcase and duffel from me.

"Thanks." I smile at him and follow the rest of the guys down to the cars waiting.


The ride to the airport was short. It was mainly me trying to stay awake and Jack J making vines and snapchats with Nash.

We were escorted up to our gate and our luggage was placed with the baggage. There was a lot of traffic so we are actually kind of late. Our gate is called almost immediately to our arrival.

My seat ends up being with Jack G and Nash. We walk on and find our seats. I'm in the middle and Gilinsky takes my hand. I smile at him gratefully and close my eyes to fall asleep.


We arrive in Florida nearly 2 hours later. My neck hurts from the position I ended up sleeping in. It's also 11 pm. I'm extremely tired lately. Tomorrow is my birthday. I hope no one remembers because I'm not in the mood for it. I hate birthdays.

I get off the plane, following Jack G as he follows the other guys and Nash behind me. We get to our car almost immediately with all our luggage. Florida is a lot warmer than South Carolina and let's just say I'm wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I'm practically shriveling up.

"Go to the hotel faster!" I yell as we are walking up the path.

"Why?" Hayes asks me.

"Because I'm dying of the heat." I whine.

Hayes rolls his eyes, his signature remark, and continues walking. I groan and book it through the doors.

Thank you for creating air conditioning.

"Are you okay?" Matt laughs at me while I'm laying on the cold tile floor.

"Fantastic." I reply sarcastically.

He puts his hands up and walks to the desk. Cameron helps me up and I thank him. I probably would have just slept there.

"You're sharing a room with us." Jack G smiles and appears next to me with Johnson.

"Okay?" I nod questioningly.

"There are only 4 rooms."Jack J clarifies.

"Oh okay." I nod and follow them to the elevator. "I'm dying." I whine. I really am a whiner, sue me.

"Rosie. We are almost there." Jack J retorts.

"But Johnson, it takes me 2 seconds to die."

"Oh come here." Gilinsky holds out his arms and picks me up bridal style.

"Thanks." I kiss him on the cheek and we go down the hall to them room.

There are 2 beds. 2. beds. I probably have to sleep with one of them. I wouldn't make the Jacks sleep together. 

"Uh I can sleep on the floor." Jack G scratches his head and after he sets me down.

"No it's fine. I don't bite." I smile.

He nods and takes clothes out of his suitcase.

"I'm going to take a shower." I announce.

 Both Jacks nod and I walk to the bathroom. 

Gotta Go My Own Way ~#2~ (N.G./C.D.)Where stories live. Discover now