Chapter 9

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The rest of the night was full of puking before crashing wherever they were close to. I didn't say much to anyone else; I'd rather be consumed with my thoughts. We have a meeting this morning, so everyone has to be up and ready. The guys will probably fall asleep during it, due to how hungover they will be.

I get out of the comfy bed and walk to my suitcase. Everyone else is out cold and they probably won't plan on waking up anytime soon. I grab a random dress and go to the bathroom to change into it. My hair is still wet so I just braid it to the side. I could care less about make up right now so I leave it and walk out. Hayes is now awake and looking at his phone. I sigh and walk out of the room.

I don't know if it was good to come back. I knew I had to at some point, but maybe I was too early. I don't know why the guys care so much about me. I mean, they could have easily moved on. I'm just a girl from South Carolina.

I continue to walk aimlessly down the hallway until someone touches my shoulder. I jerk away and see the person. Cameron.

"What?" I say, turning back to the path I was following.

"You don't seem okay." Cameron answers, catching up to my pace.

"I'll never be okay." 

"Rosie." Cam takes my hand, causing me to stop and look at him. "I'm sorry about everything. I know coming back here in the first place was hard for you. I've wanted you so long and when I thought I had you, Gilinsky took you out of my grasp."

I sigh."Cam. I'll probably always love you. I just don't know what to do." I slide down the wall and sit with my head in my hands.

"Look at me." Cam takes my hands away from my face and places his hand on my cheek. "You mean everything to me. You and only you."

I half smile as Cam leans forward and kisses me. I've longed for this, I just hope he sticks by me long enough. 

When he pulls away, I stand up. "I'm pretty sure we have to get down to the meeting now." I say, looking at my phone.

"Yeah. Let's go." Cam smiles and we walk to the board room next to the lobby.

Only Hayes and Jack J are in the room when we walk in. "Where's everyone else?" Cam asks, as we sit across from them.

"Sleeping." Jack J smiles.

I laugh and go on my Twitter to check my mentions. There is some hate and some nice comments so I follow the people who said nice things. I haven't posted on Snapchat for awhile so I zoom in on Hayes's face while he is looking around. I hold it down to video and say his name. He looks at me and I laugh because of his face.

"I'll get you back." He pouts.

"Yeah, yeah." I smile as everyone else walks in. They look like zombies. There are muttered 'hellos' before they plop into their seats. I honestly don't know why Cam isn't like that, maybe he's use to it?

"Okay so is everyone good now?" Ted asks at the head of the table. We all nod and he continues. "Lately I have noticed there being tension between you all. Has that been settled because we need to all get along before we move on to the next show." We nod again and he smiles. "Good. Now we will be leaving first thing tomorrow for Georgia. Rosalie, I need you to stay back a bit." Everyone else leaves and I'm left to talk to Ted alone.

"Yes?" I say, getting out of my chair.

"We need you to work on more songs." Ted answers.

"Well I could with the Jacks, I did before." 

"We think it would be better if you did them alone or we could possibly find someone else for you to do them with."

I don't know why they want me to suddenly sing alone. I'm not even sure if they would even sell.

Gotta Go My Own Way ~#2~ (N.G./C.D.)Where stories live. Discover now