Chapter 3

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We each walked out onto the stage. This show is just a show and then we can take pictures with VIP fans. I don't think anyone will even want a picture with me. After everything I have done, it's just something for them to hate me for. I know I am hammering myself for everything but it's true.

Cameron and I walk out on cue and smile at all the screaming fans. After everyone comes out, we are standing in a line in the back of the stage. Jack G takes a microphone from the manager and starts the show.

"How are you doing tonight?" He yells. The fans scream back and we all laugh along.

"My buddy Cameron here can do a back flip. Want to see?" Jack G asked. More fans screamed and Cameron shrugged, walking towards the front. He swing his arms and did a back flip. More people screamed.

Some of the other guys interacted more with the fans and I zoned off, unaware of what they were saying. I scanned the crowd and noticed that there were also guys there. I really thought that just girls came because they would be obsessed with these 11 other guys.

Everyone turned their attention to me and I was taken out of my daze. "What?" I asked, awkwardly smiling.

"I asked if you would sing with me." Shawn asked.

"Well if they would like it." I answered. To my surprise, the fans cheered loudly and I took a guitar and a microphone stand from the tech guys.

"We are gonna sing Imagination." Shawn whispered to me. I nodded and smiled. To be honest, that's my favorite song.

"Wanna know a secret?" I smirked at him.


"Imagination is my favorite song."

"Aw I'm touched." Shawn put his hand over his heart and I laughed.

Jack gave us the cue and we began to strum and sing.

Oh, there she goes again,

Every morning it's the same

You walk on by my house

I wanna call out your name


I want to tell you how beautiful you are from where I'm standing

You got me thinking what we could be 'cause


I keep craving, craving, you don't know it but it's true

Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you

This is typical of love

Can't wait anymore, I won't wait I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever


In my dreams you're with me

We'll be everything I want us to be

And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time

Or is that just me and my imagination


We walk, we laugh, we spend our time walking by the ocean side

Our hands are gently intertwined

A feeling I just can't describe

All this time we spent alone, thinking we could not belong to something so damn beautiful

Gotta Go My Own Way ~#2~ (N.G./C.D.)Where stories live. Discover now