Chapter 22

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~~~1 YEAR LATER~~~

*Cameron's POV*

"Happy 18th birthday." I kiss Rosie's cheek and put the vase of flowers next to the bed. It's been a year and she still hasn't woken up. The doctors say when it's time, she will but she is in charge of that. Everything has been fine, no issues. I just miss her. Some of us come and visit her every so often. The tour ended. A lot of people would ask about her and soon enough, #PrayForRosalie became a trending hashtag on Twitter. She wouldn't believe it if I ever told her. I laugh and shake my head, sitting down in the chair and holding her cold hand. 

Nash got a girlfriend so he hasn't come here a lot. He's also working on a lot of projects and Hayes even was on Dancing With the Stars. Who knew that kid could dance? Jack and Jack are still working on their music, Calibraska was released a month ago. Shawn's on tour with Taylor Swift; I couldn't be more proud of him. As for me, I always find the time to check on Rosie. I did that movie, with a different lead for awhile. It just wasn't the same without Rosie so I dropped it. I know, stupid move. I just missed her too much. Matthew started his own tour with Digi and is currently travelling the US. Taylor has as well, meeting their fans. Aaron made new friends with the Dolan twins and Jack Dail. They're great guys and we hang out a lot. I guess a lot could change in a year.

I continue to hold onto her hand and take out my phone to tweet out a picture. I always do, so that when she gets her phone back, she'll see all my messages. I take the photo and start typing with one hand until I feel pressure on my other hand. Her hand squeezes mine and I drop my phone on the ground. Holy shit.

"Nurse!" I scream and run to the door. One comes to me and immediately helps Rosalie sit up and places pillows behind her back. She takes off the breathing mask and leaves to go get water. "Oh my god, Rosie. How are you feeling? Are you better? I missed you so much." I gasp and hug her. I wait to feel her arms around me, only, she doesn't.

"W-who are you?" Her voice is raspy and I almost cry.

"Rosie? I'm Cam." I desperately grab her arm.

"Cam who?" She wipes her eyes.

I'm left speechless and the nurse hands her a cup. Rosalie drinks out of it and thanks the nurse. The nurse then hurries off to get the doctor. I cannot believe she doesn't remember. Memory loss? I hate that it exists. I let out a sob and shake my head.

"Cameron." I look up at her through my tears. A smile appears on her face, "I'm only joking."

"Never do that again." I sigh and shake my head. She rolls her eyes and laughs.

"I wanted to see you cry."

"That's rude." I wipe my face and walk back over to her.

"Oh well." She shrugs. "I think your screen is cracked." I look down at my phone and shrug back at her.

"I dropped it when you woke up."

"You visit me?" Rosie raises her eyebrows and gestures to the many flowers on the desk. I blush slightly and smile.

"Of course." I pull her into a hug and take in her body, once again full of life. 

"Cameron, you know I still remember everything you did, right?" She pulls away from me.

"Yeah, I figured." I sigh and scratch the back of my head. "Uh- I'll call your family." I leave the room and dial her mother's number.

**Rosalie's POV**

I figured teasing Cameron a bit would cheer me up. It sounds rude but, it's me. I have to admit, seeing him cry over me made my heart warm. It doesn't change anything though. I wish I actually did forget everything that happened. Cameron just left to call my family but I honestly don't know how to act around them. I feel so weird. I wonder what today's date is.

I look to the nightstand next to the bed and see my phone plugged in. That's weird. Why would they leave my phone with me if I couldn't use it? I shrug it off and pick it up, pressing the home button to see the date. September 25th is across the screen and I scrunch my eyebrows. Today's my 18th birthday? I was gone for a year? Everything now seems so surreal. How could I have been under for that long? How has everything changed? A million questions are running through my mind. I unlock my phone and go straight to Twitter, looking through my mentions. 

There are tons of tweets with #PrayForRosalie and then a series of tweets from Cameron. His tweets consist of pictures of me asleep and him holding my hand. I involuntarily smile at that and decide to tweet something out to the world.

Guess I'm back? :) I tweet it out and immediately get a whole bunch of new mentions and favorites. I just sigh and turn my phone off and place it back on the nightstand.

"Rosalie?" I look up to see my former doctor at the door.


"How are you feeling?" He closes the door behind him and takes his stethoscope to check my heartbeat.

"Kinda weird." I take deep breathes.

"You sound good. I'll have to run you for tests and see how your wounds have healed. Are you in any pain?"

"Actually, no." I look down at myself.

"Great. I'll be back with a nurse for a test in a bit." He smiles and exits, just like that.

I shrug and take my phone again, looking through the mentions, yet again.

CameronDallas: RosaliePrice Tweet a selfie, beautiful  I roll my eyes and go to the camera, switching it to face me. I almost gasp when I notice how much I've changed. I look so much older, it's a miracle. My eyes are bigger and greener and my hair is darker and curlier. I shake my head and take the selfie, tweeting it to Cam. 

A second later Cameron comes back in, phone in hand. "Hey, miss 'I'm back'."

"Shut up." I smirk and type a certain person into the search bar, just to stalk him. Nashgrier comes up and I click on him, seeing he has a new profile picture. I tap on it to see it bigger and he's with a gorgeous brunette. "Hey, Cam. Who's this?" I show him my phone and he instantly frowns.

"Rosie, that's Nash's girlfriend."


A/N: yooo see she didn't die ;;;;)))))) or is she???? 

Yours Truly,


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