Chapter 17

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It's hard to move on when once you've relied so much on that one person. You're so focused on when and how they will help you, instead of how you have to help yourself. They say that teenage stress is the worst sickness anyone could have.

"I'll see you next week." I hug Nash, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

My mother called me last night. The funeral for my dad is tomorrow. I'm flying to South Carolina today and staying for a week to greet my family. The tour is taking a break anyways. They're going back to LA for awhile.

"I'm going to miss seeing you everyday." He kisses the top of my head.

"Shut up. It's just for a week." I shake my head and hold on tighter, not ever wanting to let go.

"A week is seven days."

I chuckle. "I know."

It's just Nash and I at the airport. I said goodbye to everyone else earlier. They wanted to get one more bit of sight seeing in before they left later tonight. I told Nash he could've went with them but he insisted on coming with me.

"Don't meet too many guys." He squeezes me.

"Hey, don't meet too many girls." I laugh.

"We're ugly." Nash shrugs.

"True." I shrug back.

'Flight 234 boarding'

"Okay." I pull away and roll my suitcase up to the gate. "Bye Nash."

"Goodbye Rosalie."

I walk past the gate and board the plane to where I'm going to watch them bury my father.


*boring ass flight later*

I walk down to the pick up area and wait for my mother's car. After a bit, she pulls up and I silently get in. I think we're both afraid of each other at the moment.

"Uh your friends are going to be at the house for awhile for you. Grandma and Aunt Addie are also there." She clears her throat as she faces the road.

"Okay." I nod and lean my head against the window, catching glimpse of the state I haven't been in for a while.

"I, um, thought your friends were nice for the time I got to meet them." My mom shifts and smiles slightly at me.

"They're okay." I shrug, not making eye contact with her.

"Listen, I'm sorry about taking off that day. I know you wanted to spend time with me." She continues.

"It's fine. I understand." I answer and sigh out of relief just as we pull into our familiar driveway. I hop out, grabbing my bag from the back and hurrying inside. When I get in, my aunt and grandma hug me. I greet them back and head straight to my old room. I set my bags down and lay on my bed, groaning loud.

"What's that for?" 

I turn around, startled at the sound of a male voice. "Luke. What the hell?" I stand up and hug him, letting all my emotions into him.

"I know." He pats my back as I sob, not holding back for the slightest bit. After a few minutes, Alex and Lily walk in, sorrow evident on their faces.

"Rosie." Lily frowns, her arms folded.

"Lil. Al." I frown back, pulling from Luke and going to them.

"We are having a movie marathon tonight." Alex chuckles and pats my back.

"Okay." I shake my head and pull away, admiring the beauty of all my first friends together again.

"So, you're moving up in the charts huh?" Alex smirks and sits down on my bed.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrug.

"And those guys are hot." Lily laughs and sits next to Alex.

"Sure, but some are idiots." I frown, thinking of the one and only.

"Well you've got me. I'm hot and not an idiot." Luke wiggles his eyebrows. I slap him and laugh. "Hey, my dad also wanted to know if you were able to do another movie. Not right away, of course. He understands and let me come out to be with you."

"I don't know what I want to do right now. What movie is it?"

"We were kind of thinking it would be a love story." Luke shifts uncomfortably.

"Okay." I'm hesitant to ask who. It's probably the reason why Luke is now acting weird. "With who?"

"Well...Cameron Dallas." 

I sigh and roll my neck."I don't think it's a good idea."

"Rosie, I knew you would say this but your manager already signed you on."

"Ted? He knows how I am right now." I fold my arms.

"Yeah. That's why he signed for you. Listen, let's just not talk about it right now." He shakes his head and takes my hand.

"Fine. Let's go out to eat." I walk down the stairs with my friends trailing behind and into the living room. "Hey Mom, we're going out to eat."

"Okay. Be safe. I don't want you in another accident."

"Yep." I nod and walk back out, getting into her car.

"So do you guys want to come to the Halloween dance?" Lily asks as I pull out of the driveway.

"Can we?" Luke turns around in the passenger seat and faces them.

"Yeah. You just have to sign a paper or something." Alex shrugs.

"Okay. Then let's go to the mall and find some costumes."

"Do you think it's okay for you to go?" Luke frowns.

"Yeah. Why not?" I glare at him.

"Just how famous you are now and people that have something against you. It's not going to end well." 

"I'll be fine." I roll my eyes and focus on the road.

"Someone's calling you." Alex pushes my phone in front of my face. 'Cammie' is splayed across the screen.

"Decline it."

"They're calling again." Alex wiggles the phone in front of me.

"Put him on speaker." I roll my eyes and wait for what the boy who wrecked my heart and changed my life has to say.


Cliffhanger..... Sorry I haven't updated in a while. It's been crazy. Hey TSOSN has 1.5k reads and that's gr8. I may do a double update bc I'm hella excited for what I'm gonna write. But before my next chapter, I have to tell you this before you start to think things are unrealistic or anything along those lines: It's a fanfiction first of all, and second of all normally people that are that famous have some sort of body guard around them and arrangements in case things get out of hand. The reason behind Rosie getting hurt so often will come through but she's mentally unstable with everything going on in her life. She's got problems and people who are out for her. Please just keep this in mind before wrongly thinking this book isn't going anywhere and all that happens is her getting hurt.

Much love to you all,


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