Chapter 13

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What could Cameron possibly be freaking out about? I sigh and turn back into the room to grab my phone. "Fine. I'm coming."

Matt and I walk down the hall in silence to Cam's room. All of a sudden, I hear a loud bang. I flinch and turn the handle on the door so it opens.

There's a chair on the ground. Cam threw a flipping chair. Nash and Jack G are also in the room, trying to calm Cameron down.

"Cameron." I fold my arms and glare as he turns around, his face a red and wet mess. "Did you guys punch him?" I shout and make my way through the junk towards him.

"He came at us and there was no other way." Gilinsky puts his hands up.

"Whatever. Nash I expected you to handle him."

"Me? He loves you." Nash rolls his eyes and lays down on the bed.

"Come on." I take Cam's arm and pull him into the bathroom, closing the door behind us. "Cam." I lightly touch his cheek, causing him to wince. I sigh and take a towel, wet it, and place it on his busted lip. "What's going on?"

"I-I just. Ugh." 

"Cameron. Tell me." I wipe over his, now forming, bruise.

"I just miss you okay? When that guy came back, I was livid. I didn't know whether or not you were going to be okay, you know, with all of your other injuries. I just feel like it's my fault. Someone offered me something for the pain. When I saw you with Nash I just needed more because I thought I lost you." Cam looks down and a single tear runs down his face.

"Cameron Alexander Dallas. If I didn't give up on you after all of that, why would I now?"

"You said you wanted a break." He looks away.

"Are you going to keep doing the drugs?" I fold my arms.

"No. Not if it means I lose you." He pulls the bag out of his pocket.

"Good." I put my hand over his and smile at him. Cam gets up and dumps the powder into the toilet before flushing it down the drain.

"I'm sorry." He embraces me into a warm hug. I have missed this.

"Uh is everything okay in there?" Nash knocks on the door.

"Yeah." I move away from Cameron and open the door. "He's fine, other than the bruise that will need to be covered up tomorrow."

"I said I was sorry!" Gilinsky shouts from the room. I smirk and walk farther out.

"I'm sorry man." Cameron hugs Nash.

"I'm glad you manned up." Nash pats his back.

"Whatever." They laugh and walk to Jack G.

"I'm leaving." I yell.

"Wait!" Gilinsky runs into the bathroom. I cross my arms and wait for whatever this Jack has to say. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" He slaps me across the face with shaving cream. It's not until now that I notice Nash filmed it all.

"You guys suck." I wipe it off my face and put it on Gilinsky's. "See you losers tomorrow." I quickly walk out, shutting the door behind me.

Today was crazy.


My alarm goes off way too early. I set my phone to play Shawn whenever I set it on alarm.

I roll over and groan loudly.

"Shut up bitch." Tori mumbles.

My eyes shoot open, realization hitting me like a pound of bricks. I have to get ready for Magcon. I get out of my bed and rummage through my suitcase for the right thing to wear today. It's my birthday.... Technically my birthday began at 1 am last night. It's currently 8. 7 hours of sleep. go me. I pick up a white high-waisted skirt and take out a galaxy shirt to tuck it in. It's my birthday so I should shake it up right? I put on a pizza bucket after curling the ends of my hair. My makeup was quickly done.

Gotta Go My Own Way ~#2~ (N.G./C.D.)Where stories live. Discover now