Chapter 28

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I open my eyes to yet another hospital room. I sigh and sit up, seeing Cameron asleep in the chair next to me.

"Ms. Price?" A doctor walks in and gives me a small smile.


"You're aware you have cancer?" She sits in the chair next to Cameron.

"Yeah, what about it? Why am I in this hospital?" I frown.

The doctor sighs and looks at her clipboard. "I've been told you refuse chemo."

I shrug, annoyed.

"You may want to get better. Rosalie, you passed out since your brain cells were confused by the alcohol and fighting the tumor. It doesn't help that your body was stressed." She grabs my hand and gestures with her other hand to Cameron. "Wouldn't you want to stay alive for him?"

I pull my hand away gently and sigh. "That's not fair. It's just hard, okay?"

"I understand. Just at least consider treatment."

"Fine. Can you get the discharge papers please?" I bite my lip and glance at Cameron.

"Yes, if you agree to another checkup by me in a week." She stands up.

"No chemo, right?" I raise my eyebrows.

"No chemo, unless you want it." 


With that, she leaves. I stare at Cameron for a minute before he finally talks. "Where were you last night?"

"I was with the Jacks and Sammy most of the time, I guess." I shrug.

"Sammy? I told you I didn't want you near him." Cam frowns.

"Well, I saw you with some girl and she was all over you. I was emotional, okay?"

"You should've just came over and talked to me. I was trying to keep her off me." Cameron shakes his head and takes my hand. "I love you."

I nod and kiss his cheek, not thinking twice about what happened last night.

****1 WEEK LATER****

Not much has happened. I've been home and tried to head to the studio with the Jacks to get in some vocals. Basically, I've been planning out how I want to live the rest of my life. I even planned a trip to Cancun. My mom keeps her eye on me almost all times and Cameron has practically been living here. Theresa has even been up whenever my mom isn't around with her mom. Tori also couldn't stay away. I don't know what all the fuss is about. It's not like I will kill myself, it's that I'm being killed.

"Are you ready for your appointment?" My mom walks over to me with her keys in hand.

"Yep." I stand up from the couch and follow her out to the car. Cameron is home for once. I guess he had a lot of meetings today for some unknown reason.

"You know how I feel about your decision." My mom pulls out of the driveway and continues to the hospital.

"Yeah. I have my own opinion. Besides, I'm 18." I shrug it off. I will never get the end of this lecture.

"Honey, you missed a whole year of your life. I think you need to see the future you can have. Think of the little babies you and Cameron will have. Think of Nash being the Godfather and Theresa being the Godmother. Don't you want that?" She parks and looks at me.

"I mean, I guess. But, I think I've had enough hardships. I didn't even finish high school." I get out of the car and follow the familiar route to the waiting room.

"Rosie, I love you." Mom pats my leg as we wait silently for my name to be called. Soon enough, my doctor sees me. I tell my mom to wait for me as I go into the room.

"How've you been?" She looks up from her clipboard and cocks her head.

"Honestly, I've been really hungry lately and I've had weird stomach aches." I tell her.

"Hm. Do you care to have an ultra sound? It'll be quick. I just want to see if you have grown another tumor anywhere." Doctor Nanco smiles at me.

"Alright." I shrug as she nods and motions for me to lay on the table. I do as told and watch her get the machine.

After awhile she mutters a few profanities, causing me to sit upright and ask what is the matter.

"Rosalie, I don't know how to say this."

I sigh, knowing what is coming next. "How much longer do I have to live?"

"What? No, your projected time is still the same." She shakes her head in confusion.

"Then what are you talking about?" I breathe out.

"You're pregnant. A week pregnant." 

My eyes bulge out of my body and I grip onto the end of the table. "That can't be possible. It's too early to know that."

"Ultra sounds aren't usually wrong." Doctor Nanco bites her lip. "You should probably tell the father before you have any decisions. Best bet is to actually give birth to it. Abortion would only be dangerous to affect your lifespan without chemo."

"That's the thing." I shake my head and stand up, thinking of the 2 guys I was with that night a week ago. "I don't know who the father is."


A/N: it's been quite a long time. I didn't know what to write for that week, so I left it bland. things are heating up very quickly ;();


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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