Chapter 9: Tobirama's Rut/Confession

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Tobirama POV
It was early in the morning, I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I turned it off and checked the date. I saw an event pop up.

"..Great..My stupid rut.."

I mumbled annoyed, I'll have to ask the nurse for inhibitors. I got up and changed into my unifrom, I grabbed my bag and headed to the building.


"Dont call me bun-bun."

Madara was smilling so stupidly cute, I blushed a bright red. He noticed it and touched my forehead.

"You Okay? Your a little red."

He asked concerened, I smiled and blushed even more.

"N-No! Of Course Not!"

I said a little emberessed, I can't really tell him how I feel. He's perfect, Too perfect for me. He would probably laugh, I can never tell him.

He smiled at me and we started to walk, we walked our separate ways and I went to the nurses office. I took some Inhibitors and put them in my bag.

I was studying in library after class when I had the best idea, I'll write a letter to Madara. I wont tell him its me but I cant tell him how I feel.

I wrote a simple letter and slipped it his locker, I then saw him walking this way and I touched the door knob of the music room right next to the lockers to look like I had been there.

"Oh, H-Hey Tobi..What are you doing?"

He asked a little red, I lied and said.

"I just played some notes!"

He smiled and looked me in the eye, I averted my eyes and looked down to hide my red face.

"I'll just some stuff then we can go for coffee."

He smiled and I nodded blushing as red as paint.

He opened his locker and my letter fell out, He grabbed it and opened it he unfolded the letter and stated to read, I looked away emberessed as he read it in  silence

Dear: Madara Uchiha

I've noticed my feelings for you have changed gradually changed, I know you dont feel the same way and I understand, But I love you and I think you are perfect. Your kind and amazing.

He looked up, and opened his mouth.

"Did you write this?"

He asked, I shook my head. My eyes widdened when he crumbled it and threw it in the trash.

"Then, I Dont Care About It. Lets Go."

I felt like crying so badly, He started to walk but stopped when I didnt follow.
He looked at me and saw the tears that were falling without premission.

"T-Tobi? What Wrong? Wait, Did you write that?"

He asked and gripped both my shoulder.


He looked suprised but pulled hos hands back.

"I have to go.."

He said and walked off.

(Most of that was the confession but it doesnt matter, Did you enjoy? More chapters soon! but im coming come so i wont be posting without internet..but ill be able to post more than one! Anyways good bye! forgot to say hello lol)

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