My Best Friend's Boyfriend

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I watch Ganyu, hoping that I wasn't noticeable. My best friend since 3rd grade was finally confessing her feelings to someone. Now, I wondered, why in the world would she choose Scaramouche of all people? He was a snot nosed brat who clearly has anger issues that need to be solved. I take a deep breath, placing a hand on my chest.

I finally see the indigo-haired boy walking up towards the tree that Ganyu was waiting at. 'I honestly don't think he's going to accept.' I thought, peeking my head out more so I could get a better look. I also was trying keep my ears opened so I could listen in. Ganyu was the one who asked me to stay.

She said something along the lines of "I just want a friend to be here. You know, just in case I get rejected." My only wish is for Scaramouche to let her down gently. I can't stand it when Ganyu is upset. "Oh, so you're the one who wanted to meet me here. Hurry it up because I don't have all day, ya know." I hear Scaramouche say.

He had a hint of attitude in his voice. I wanted to say something but knew it would hurt Ganyu's feelings if I ever were to intervene. "Y-yes I know. I apologize, Scaramouche. But just please listen to what I have to say." Ganyu said, looking to the side with a small blush. Scaramouche just stood there quietly, impatiently waiting for Ganyu to continue.

"U-uhm... Well, Scaramouche. I..." Ganyu seemed to have a hard time speaking. I furrow my eyebrows, hoping she doesn't embarrass herself by taking too long. Scaramouche was someone who could ruin your whole career with just a few words.


"I like you!" Ganyu yelled, closing her eyes tightly. Her blush had increased as she finally confessed. "At least she's got... confidence?" I say, making it sound like a question. It was silent for a moment, making me stare at the two with worry. I grip the bottom of my shirt and try to analyze the situation.

'Is she going to get rejected?' I asked myself. The two still haven't said anything. I could literally cut the tension with a knife. The silence was finally cut off by the indigo-haired boy chuckling. I bite my bottom lip, suddenly getting nervous. I wasn't nervous for myself. More like, I was nervous for Ganyu.

"Heh. You like me, huh?"

"A-ah... Uhm y-yes..."

I then watch as Scaramouche, leans closer to Ganyu's face. I wanted to pull my hair out. I felt like I was watching a k-drama with all the silence and hesitation. "So, you want to date me then? Huh?~" I can hear the teasing tone coming out of Scaramouche's lips. I was honestly surprised that he could be such a flirt.

"I-I... Well-" Ganyu was then cut off by Scaramouche who leaned in, kissing my best friend. I widen my eyes at the sight. I swallow my spit, staring at the two kissing. I was honestly not expecting this outcome. I mean, Scaramouche? Dating? That's totally unexpected. Especially for someone like him.

Once the two pull away, I could see Ganyu flushing a bright red. "Let's date then, Ganyu.~" I sigh and lean on the wall, turning away from the new couple. Closing my eyes, I decided that it would be best if I went home. Ganyu didn't need me here anymore. Before I could start walking, I hear the said girl yell my name.

"Lumine!" I flinch and quickly peek around the corner. Ganyu had a huge smile on her face, holding her hand up that was attached to Scaramouche's. "I did it! Look!" I sigh once more and walk out, staring at them blankly. Finally putting a smile on my face, I say, "Congratulations, Ganyu."

I glance over at the male who decided to land his sight on me. "Try not to make me the third wheel. I don't think I could handle my best friend being taken away!" I said again, trying to lighten up my mood. I wasn't sad or anything, I was just confused. Anyone would be if they witnessed Scaramouche saying to date him.

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