Chapter 13

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"Do you think Aether is here?" I ask, looking over at Ganyu with a worried expression. She only lets out a small giggle, saying, "No. He said he was studying with Xiao. Scaramouche should be alone at this time." After our talk at the cafe, Ganyu and I decided to pay Scaramouche a visit. It felt like it's been forever since I came back.

"I'll get going then. Remember to tell him how you feel. I'm sure he'll except your feelings." Ganyu gives me one last hug and finally leaves me standing at the door alone. I still couldn't believe that Ganyu was giving him up because of me. 'I can't let her down... I made a promise.' I thought. 

I then knock on the door, hoping that Scaramouche would answer. Hearing muffled groans and curses, I brace myself for the door to open. I tap my leg nervously, finally seeing the door crack open a little. That was when the door was slammed open, causing me to flinch back. "What the fuck do you want-"

The indigo-haired boy stood right in front of me with a look of irritation that turned into a look of shock. He wasn't expecting me to be at the front door. "Lumine...?" Scaramouche says, not believing that I was actually at the door. "Yup... I decided to pay a little visit..." I whisper, looking to the side.

Instead of waiting for Scaramouche to let me in, I walk in and look around. "At least you boys kept it clean." I said. I hear the door shut and footsteps come up behind me, making me glance at Scaramouche. "Aether was the one who cleaned. He has a bad habit, just like you." I let out a giggle, shaking my head at his terrible insult.

"So, I uh... I heard Ganyu broke things off." I say, looking at the black beanbag that looked comfortable. "Yeah. She said that it wasn't going to work out." I nod my head, hoping that I didn't come off as an awkward mess right now. "Ganyu talked to me about it... That's why I'm here." I swallow my spit, feeling myself get choked up.

I was afraid of admitting my feelings to Scaramouche. Because, what if Ganyu was wrong? What if he didn't like me and only used me? I then walk towards the black beanbag and sit, not wanting to look at the boy who followed close behind. "I see." I bite my lower lip, now glancing at Scaramouche who decided to take the yellow beanbag and place it next to the one I was sitting on.

The irritated boy then sits, staring at me with a calm expression. "Scaramouche, I need you to listen carefully because I won't be repeating this. It's... already making me nervous just thinking about it." I said. "Go on." I let out a shaky sigh and stare at my lap, finding it more interesting than the boy himself.

I couldn't find the right words. How was Ganyu able to tell Scaramouche that she liked him? This was so nerve racking. 'I'm scared of getting rejected...' I thought, swallowing my spit once more. The boy who sat in the yellow beanbag kept quiet, waiting patiently for me to say what I wanted. "I-I uh..."

I wanted to smack myself for sounding so stupid. Ganyu was counting on me to confess my feelings to her ex. She was so sure that Scaramouche had feelings for me as well, confident that he would accept me. Doubts always cloud a person's mind though. "Lumine." I flinch as Scaramouche finally speaks up.

"Huh? Y-Yeah?" I look at the boy who had a small smile on his face. "I should go first if you're just going to get choked up." Scaramouche said, letting out a chuckle. I felt my face flush a bright red just by the sound of his chuckle. It sounded so genuine. Scaramouche's smile lit up the entire room as well, making me a little jealous of that smile.

"I guess I should start off by saying that I apologized to Ganyu already. I shouldn't have accepted her confession back then if I didn't like her. But once we were assigned to live together, I actually didn't mind. I may have said that I did but I was only hiding it." Scaramouche says, laying his cheek in his palm, still smiling at me softly.

"The first time we kissed, I honestly wasn't in control of my actions. I never once thought of stopping. Especially when I told you to call me Kuni, I melted when you called out to me. I guess you could say that I had a little thing for you, but I didn't think it would escalate." I bite my lower lip, listening to Scaramouche explain.

It was refreshing to finally hear his side on what happened between us. "To keep things short and simple, Ganyu told me she saw us kiss. She asked me to admit my feelings and I didn't hesitate." Scaramouche said, now reaching out with his free hand. He wanted me to grab it. I was hesitant though.

"I like you, Lumine. I realized that only after Ganyu told me what she saw." I felt myself blush as Scaramouche has finally said it. He told me that he liked me. I slowly reach my hand out and grab his outstretched hand gently. Even if my hands were shaky, I still wanted to feel his cold hand in my warm ones.

"I came here to tell you that as well... I like you Scaramouche. A lot. I switched because I was thinking of Ganyu..." I say. The indigo-haired boys' smile never faltered as he gently squeezed my hand. "You don't need to stay there anymore. I want you to come back. I also want you to be my girlfriend." Scaramouche then pulls me towards him.

I sloppily land on his lap, staring at him with a bright red face. He's so bold. "Okay..." I replied back, not hesitating to agree to be with him. Who would've thought that things would turn out like this? Not me, that's for sure. We even had Ganyu's support which I was so thankful for. "I'll make Xiao dinner and then come back."

Scaramouche then glared, making me let out a giggle. "Don't make that emo dinner. It already made me mad that you were living with him." Scaramouche said, not hiding his jealousy. Letting a few more giggles slip out, I hug his neck. "If I say I love you, would you let me go back and make him dinner?" I ask.

Feeling his rough hands wrap around my waist, Scaramouche then leans into my neck. "Possibly. Xiao better not try anything or I swear to the archons that I'll beat his ass." I sigh happily, hugging him a little tighter. "Xiao isn't like that. You've got nothing to worry about, Scaramouche." I said.

I kiss his cheek and lay my head on his shoulder. "Fine. Tell Aether to get the fuck out too."

"Will do."

"And stop calling me Scaramouche. Call me Kunikuzushi." I giggle some more, knowing he wasn't going to stop telling me what to do. "I got it, Kuni." I say, feeling him relax. We decided to stay in each other's embrace for a little while longer, missing the feeling. Closing my eyes, I sigh happily once more, hoping that the future awaiting us will be even better...

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