Chapter 12

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"Thanks again for letting Aether switch with me, Xiao." I said, peeking my head out from the door. "It's no problem. Anything you need. I owe you that much..." Xiao says, letting his voice go into a whisper. I give him a sweet smile. He was always so adorably anti-social. "I just hope Aether will be okay. I don't want Scaramouche starting anything."

Xiao only nods, scratching the back of his neck. I don't think he's ever lived with a girl before judging from his demeaner. "Aether should be fine. He's the person with the winning smile, or so he says." I let out a small giggle, knowing that Aether would say that. I then retreat back into Aether's room and search for the hoodie that he took back.

Finding it sprawled on the floor, I pick it up and slip it over my head. "At least it's not dirty." I say, talking to myself out of habit. Scaramouche didn't seem to mind but I had hoped that it wouldn't creep Xiao out. It was going to take a little bit to get used to the switch, but I was prepared. This switch was going to help me stop whatever we were doing.

It was only the first step towards the goal. I thanked the gods for allowing me this chance to get over my feelings for the indigo-haired boy. I was ready to face head on to any challenges that may occur. 'It's best to stop now anyway. If Ganyu were to see, then I would be so devastated...' I thought, now seeing Ganyu's crying face.

"Everything should be fine." I say, giving myself motivation.


Blowing air out of my cheeks, I walk out of class with Xiao. It's only been 2 weeks since the switch and it was honestly easier to adjust than I thought. Xiao wasn't a bad roommate either. He was always considerate and even cooked Almond Tofu whenever he wasn't busy with the loads of homework we've been getting lately.

I've only seen Scaramouche in one of my classes. He always sits next to Ganyu though. It was perfect. Well, except the fact that it was still hard to not say anything to the indigo-haired boy. The best that we could do was look at each other and say hello with our hands and eyes. "I can cook dinner tonight. Do you want Almond Tofu again?" I ask Xiao.

The dark-haired boy only nods as his face flushes a little. I giggle at his reaction as we walk down the hallway. "Oh, Lumine." I look forward, seeing Ganyu. She wasn't with Scaramouche this time. 'Strange. They usually walk together.' I thought. "Heya Ganyu. Where's Scaramouche? You guys always walk together." I say.

She only gives me a sad smile and places both hands on my shoulders. "Mind coming with me, Lumine? I really need to talk to you in private." I widen my eyes a little, now knowing that Ganyu was sad. Something happened. "Uh, Xiao, you don't mind, right?" I ask, looking back at the dark-haired boy.

Xiao puts his hands up, saying, "Nah. Go ahead. I'll see you back at the dorm." The anti-social boy walks the other way, now leaving Ganyu and I alone. "What's wrong, Ganyu?" I ask, not hesitating on the question. I showed a look of worry as Ganyu looks to the side sadly. "Let's talk somewhere else. It's full of people here..."

I quickly nod my head and take her hand in mine. I walk down the stairs with my best friend in tow, leading her out of the double doors. "Maybe a quiet cafe would do. Right?" Looking back at Ganyu, she only nods her head slowly. I squeeze her hand in reassurance and walk towards the closest cafe that was nearby our college.

It's mostly quiet and not many people go there. Quickening my pace, I open the cafe door, hearing the bell jingle. "Welcome! Take a seat and I'll be right with you!" The barista said, smiling sweetly. I give her a smile back and take a seat, watching Ganyu sit across from me. "Alright, tell me what's wrong, Ganyu. I'm not asking again." I said.

I made sure to give her a stern tone, telling her that I was serious. Ganyu was quiet, suddenly hesitating. "What can I get for you both today?" I then order for Ganyu and I. I got a hot chocolate and ordered Ganyu a coffee with sugar. "Please give me a couple minutes and I'll have your order right out!" I thank her, then stare right back at Ganyu.

"Lumine... I..." Ganyu was hesitating. Why though. "Ganyu, please tell me. You already know that you can tell me anything." I said, grabbing her hand that rested on the table. I finally see tears fall down Ganyu's cheeks, making me squeeze her hand. "I-I broke things off with Scaramouche..." Ganyu finally stuttered out.

I froze. 'Broke things off...?' I was confused. Ganyu said she loved him... So why? "But why-" I was cut off by my best friend who squeezed my hand back, saying, "Because... It just wasn't meant to be." I bite the inside of my lip, seeing more tears fall out of Ganyu's eyes. It broke my heart to see her this way.

"Things were going so well though. You can't leave no context, Ganyu. Please explain why you broke things off."

"Lumine... I saw you and Scaramouche 2 weeks ago."

I felt myself tense up. I was hoping that I needed hearing aids. "W-what...?" Ganyu squeezed my hand a little tighter. "You both kissed, right? Before I came to get him for our date night, I saw..." Ganyu said. I couldn't believe at what I was hearing. I was speechless. What are you supposed to say to that?

I was caught red handed because I was being careless. I felt my hands shake, now looking down at my lap. "Lumine... It's okay. I broke things off because I knew I couldn't compare. I wanted to have him for a little while longer before anything fell apart..." Ganyu explained. Although, I felt as if there was water in my ears. Everything was muffled.

I was afraid of losing Ganyu. Even if she said that it was okay, to me, it wasn't. It's never okay to do things with someone who wasn't yours to begin with. "Besides..." I feel Ganyu slide her thumb across my hand, trying to soothe me. "Scaramouche seems to have feelings for you. I may like him, but I can't force him to stay." Ganyu finished.

I slowly look up only to find my best friend smiling. It was a sad smile, but it told me that she wasn't angry with me. I felt tears fall out of my eyes, now being the one who was crying. "I-I'm sorry, Ganyu...! I-I'm sorry that I fell for him!" I exclaim, holding her hand up in front of my face. Why was Ganyu so forgiving?

I didn't deserve forgiveness. And yet Ganyu still forgave me. "Don't be sorry, Lumine... Seeing the 2 of you together, it made me realize that Scaramouche loved you all along. It'll be hard to get over him, but please, whatever you do, don't let go of him." Ganyu said, pulling me over the table and giving me an awkward hug...

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