Chapter 5

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I sigh, sitting up from my bed. I knew my hair was a mess, but I didn't bother to brush it. I barely had any sleep again last night because I couldn't get Scaramouche off my mind. The way he was so close to me that I could feel his breath. The way he decided to not move till he was satisfied. 

It's been about 4 days since then, but it feels like it just happened. I wondered, 'was this how Ganyu felt? Has he done that to her?' I bite my lip and brush out my blonde locks with my fingers, feeling the knots. "Ganyu sure is lucky..." I whispered. Without questioning myself, I stand up and put on a baggy white shirt with some sweatpants. 

I wasn't planning on leaving the dorm today so might as well be comfy. Ever since I found out Scaramouche was my roommate, I've been weird. Not only am I showing my slight jealousy towards him but also have been telling him stuff that I'd normally keep to myself. Thinking he was even slightly attractive was an understatement.

I was ashamed for even thinking that. Scaramouche is Ganyu's boyfriend, after all. I could never do that to my bestest friend. I sniff as I walk out of my room, seeing the boy himself sitting on the black beanbag. I try to keep my eyes away from Scaramouche and walk into the kitchen, wanting to make me a bowl of cereal.

"Morning..." I said, hearing the scratchiness in it. I take out a bowl from the cabinet and a spoon from one of the drawers, not really caring if Scaramouche said good morning to me back. Placing my bowl on the counter, I boost myself on it and grab the cereal. I sat on the counter, pouring the said cereal with a careful hand.

"Morning." I flinch, hearing Scaramouche's voice close to my ear. I quickly look to the side, finding the indigo-haired boy staring at me. "When did you-"

"Just now. You seemed concentrated. I've never seen someone so focused on pouring a bowl of cereal." Scaramouche said, giving me a slight smirk. I felt my face flush a bright red, looking down at my legs. I only sigh and push the bowl behind my back, not wanting it to fall to the floor. "Is that a problem? I just woke up." I said.

I then watch Scaramouche walk in front of me. I didn't bother to look up though. I was nervous and didn't want to see his face. "Look at me, Lumine." I widen my eyes as he said my name. It sounded gentle. I slowly look up, finding the boys' face close to mine. "C-can't you back up a little?" I ask, stuttering.

Instead of listening, Scaramouche traps me on the counter, placing both of his hands on it. "I can do whatever the hell I want..." Scarmouche whispers, making his breath hit my face. I bite my lower lip, feeling my heart race. "Right... Sorry." I said, hoping that would get him to move away. I watch as his indigo eyes glance down and then back up to mine.

That would be the second time. "Scaramouche, I need to brush my hair..." I tried to make up an excuse for him to move. That didn't work. I then place my hands on his chest, about ready to gently push him away. "If you don't move, I'll have to push you, Scaramouche." I say again. "You're going to push me? Heh."

I sigh. Nothing was working. What if someone walked in on us like this? They would certainly get the wrong idea. Especially if Ganyu walked in right about now. "Someone might walk in. We don't want them getting the wrong idea." I whispered, staring into his eyes. I was basically pleading for him to move.

Although, deep down, I didn't want him too. I knew how wrong it was. I was a horrible friend. "The doors locked. It's been locked since 12 last night, I made sure." Scaramouche said. I had no more excuses. I decided to stay silent, still staring into his indigo eyes. I blink slowly, thinking how much of a bad friend I was.

I then move my hands and wrap them around Scaramouche's neck. I felt him flinch underneath my touch. I was hoping this would get him to move. The irritated boy only stood still though. Sighing once again, I press myself against Scaramouche and lay my chin on his shoulder. "If you aren't going to move... Then could you take me to my room?"

What was I doing? I was a total idiot for doing this. "No." I groan loudly, finally removing my hands and backing up against the cabinet. That only trapped me more. "What do you want then? I really should eat and brush my hair." I said, pouting at Scaramouche. Hearing a low growl come from the boy, I felt my face heating up.

My blush was totally noticeable. I never expected a sound like that to come out of Scaramouche. "Scaramouche, can you please-" I was cut off by the said boy who quickly placed his lips on mine. My eyes widened at the sudden touch, making my heart race even faster. Without thinking, I shut my eyes tightly, trying my best to kiss the boy back.

Force yourself away...

I ignore the faded voice that was coming from the back of my head, wrapping my arms around Scaramouche's neck once again. I wasn't an experienced kisser. That, Scaramouche, could tell. I felt my body shake as his tongue licks my bottom lip. I've never felt this kind of sensation before. It was a whole new feeling. It was making me want more.

You're a horrible friend, Lumine...

I felt Scaramouche slip his tongue into my mouth, causing me to let out a muffled sound. I felt his rough hands on my legs, forcing them to open. He trapped himself between my legs so we could get even closer to each other. Feeling his slippery tongue explore my mouth was making me go crazy. 'What is this feeling...' I thought.

Stop this immediately...

Finally snapping out of this weird trance, I quickly unwrap my arms and gently push Scaramouche away. His lips left mine with a trail of saliva. I was breathing heavily as I wasn't used to kissing. "W-why did you..." I stare at Scaramouche with widened eyes. I couldn't believe I did that. "Oh my god... I'm a horrible friend." I said, feeling my hands shake.

I kept on questioning as to why I did that. Why did I kiss my best friend's boyfriend. Without another word, Scaramouche then backs up, also noticing that he too was out of breath. I swallow my spit, quickly slipping myself off the counter and running to my room. I slammed the door and locked it behind me.

I slide down the door and grip my hair as if my life depended on it. I felt ashamed. I was disgusted. "How could I..." I whispered. I felt a single tear fall down my cheek. I've broken the number one rule. I felt more tears fall as I kept thinking about Ganyu. I knew how bad I've screwed up. Nothing could fix what I have done...

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