Chapter 1

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"Aether! Have you seen my laptop?!" I yell out, hoping my twin has seen my expensive device. "No! Check my room!" Aether yells back. He was downstairs with his stuff already packed. "K!" I quickly make my way towards Aether's room, hoping my laptop would be in there. Busting the door open, I scan the room for said laptop.

I sigh in relief when I find it tucked underneath Aether's bed. "Why was it underneath there?" I ask myself, not remembering if I was the one who placed it in here. I shake my head, focusing on the task at hand. Walking out of Aether's room, I run downstairs. "Where was it?" Aether asks. "Tucked under your bed." I replied.

I placed the laptop in my black laptop case that Xiao gave me. "Why was it-" I shake my head, crossing my arms into an X position. "Don't ask. I have no idea." That made Aether laugh. "We have everything?" Aether asked. I hum, placing a finger under my chin, saying, "I think so. I just hope I don't get paired up with someone dumb."

Aether only chuckles. "You mean for the dorms? I don't think she will be that bad." Although, I was worried. I mean, most dorms don't set two of the opposite sex in one room, but this college had allowed it. I had no idea why there weren't strict rules about it. The other college's I was looking into said same sex dormmates. 

"I'd rather dorm with you, honestly. Or even Ganyu." I said, biting my lower lip. "It'll be fine. If you get paired with someone else, then maybe I could switch with your roommate." Aether said, patting my back with a warm smile. I smile back, knowing that everything should be okay if Aether was by my side. "Right. Did Venti say when he'd pick us up?"

"He's already here. He said to take as long as we needed too." I sigh happily. Even if I was nervous about today, I could still smile.


"Wowie! It's way bigger in person!" Venti exclaimed, holding his things in one hand. "That's what she said.~" Hu Tao said, smirking at the two braided haired boy. I let out a quiet laugh, seeing Venti get quite embarrassed at the comment Hu Tao made. "Let's just get inside." I say, grabbing Aether's hand.

Ganyu already texted, saying that she was waiting for us in the front. I smile as we all walk to the front, seeing the girl herself there. She was holding a boy's hand. An indigo-haired boy's hand to be exact. Yup. Even after a whole year, those two were still together. I guess I was happy for her. It did cause me to always be the third wheel though.

"Ganyu!" I yelled, letting Aether's hand go and running towards my bestest friend. She also let go of the boys' hand and ran towards me, having her arms outstretched. Once we made it to each other, I jump and wrap my legs around her waist, also hugging her neck tightly. Ganyu was strong enough to hold my weight, so it was fine.

"Bestieee!" I yell out again, letting the E trail out. "I missed you, Lumineee!" Ganyu exclaimed, also letting the N trail out. The group behind us were laughing at our childish behavior. My attention was only towards Ganyu though. "Gross. Quit hugging my women like that." I hear, making me look at Scaramouche.

He was scowling at me, thinking that I would listen. "Awe. Relax, sweetie. You already knew that Lumine's my best friend. Expect this to happen more often!" Ganyu said, taking my side. "You heard the lady." I said, giving the indigo-haired boy a smirk. Finally, Ganyu set me down, making me pout at her.

"I was hoping to make poor Scaramouchie jealous... How could you put your babygirl down?" I asked. Ganyu only giggles, placing a hand on her cheek. As Ganyu walked towards the group behind me, I stare at Scaramouche. "What are you staring at, pleb." I let out a snort at the 'nice' nickname he just gave me.

"Jealous?" I watch him glare daggers at me. "Hey! No fighting!" Venti yells, placing an arm around both of our shoulders. He pulled us closer, trying to get us to be friends. "Like I said to Ganyu last year, it will be Scaramouche who'll start it." I said, giving Venti an innocent smile. Hearing the said boy scoff, he roughly makes Venti let go.

"Geez. Touche." I giggle, seeing the two braided haired boy pout sadly. "Don't worry, I still wove you." I then face Venti with a smile and squish his cheeks. Aether then clapped loudly, getting everyone's attention. "Why don't we meet back here after finding out our dorms and classes. We'll most likely have time afterwards!"

Smiling, I let go of Venti's cheeks and tell them that I'd go on ahead.


"2nd floor... 2nd floor..." I quietly say, walking up the stairs and make my way through the halls. I was looking for my respected room number, hoping I could unpack before we all hang out. "Ah. Finally." I said, smiling and unlocking the door with my key. Once it was unlocked, I open the door and walk inside.

Scanning the place, I decided that nothing would ruin my mood. The place was nice. It had space for two people. "I didn't think the room would be this big." I said to myself, placing my bags down. I made sure to set them on the counter so then my roommate wouldn't trip over my stuff. The kitchen was nice as well.

I was now super excited just to be living here. I then sit in the middle of the room, not caring if the floor was hurting my butt. I never thought a dorm room would make my day even better. I also took notice of the unshut door. "Must've forgot." I said, standing up and walking towards the door. I was going to shut it when a rough hand was placed on it.

I widen my eyes, seeing familiar indigo-hair. "Hah?! What the fuck are YOU doing here?" Scaramouche asks, giving me attitude. He pushes the door open, forcing me to let go. I guess you could say I was too stunned to speak. "I- well-" I was cutting myself off, watching Scaramouche place his bag down on the floor.

"I demand to know what the hell you're doing here." I slowly shut the door, scratching the back of my head. "I was sure that my room number was 34..." I trail off, walking towards the counter and checking my paper. "Excuse me? No way you are my fucking roommate." Scaramouche said, crossing his arms. 

I ignore him and stare at my paper, hoping that I just needed glasses, and this really wasn't my room. "I uh... guess we're roomies?" I said, making it more of a question. I wasn't expecting to be roomed with Ganyu's boyfriend. 'Would she be upset if she found out?' I thought, placing a hand on my chin and setting the paper down.

I hear Scaramouche click his tongue, clearly unhappy with the result. "Listen. You can pick a room first. I'll take the other one. If we're going to be roommates, then we gotta get along whether we like it or not." I said, staring at the boy. Sighing, Scaramouche finally accepts the circumstances and picks the room on the right.

"Don't even think about going into my room." Scaramouche threatened. I put my hands up in defeat, giving him a small smile. I was hoping that it would ease the slight tension. "I got it. No need to worry, Scaramouche." I said. The indigo-haired boy picks up his bag and walks into the room on the right, slamming it shut.

I bite my bottom lip, feeling my smile falter. "I was in a great mood. Damn..." I say, leaning on the counter and blowing air out of my cheeks...

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