Thank You

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Thanks for reading 'My Best Friend's Boyfriend'. I had a lot of fun writing this. Kinda sucks that I decided to make it into a short story. I bet it could've gone for longer.

Scaramouche x Lumine is a ship that isn't very popular, and I just wanted to base a story on those two. I personally think it's adorable and very much approve of it.

Some might say it's toxic, well, mind your business is what I say. I don't normally get involved in Genshin Impact ships because there is a ton, and I mean a TON of toxic people in the fandom, but this was an exception.

Anyway, thanks again for reading. If you haven't yet, why don't you check out 'Reborn'. It's a male reader but girls are allowed to join in as well. Welp, that's all. Hope to see you readers more in other books that I create.

I love reading the comments.




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