Chapter 2

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"It's alright, Lumine. You couldn't help it. It's their fault for rooming you with Scara." Ganyu said. I had invited her inside our dorm, wanting to tell her. I couldn't just keep it a secret. She would find out eventually anyway. "Thanks. Who did you get paired with?" I ask. I then see Scaramouche walk out of his room, staring at us.

"Scara. Hello!" Ganyu said very politely. Scaramouche only walked up to her and gently pecked Ganyu's lips, making me feel single. "Nice one. Keep making me feel single." I said, placing both hands on my hips. Ganyu only blushed, gently pushing Scaramouche away. "L-let's try not to do that in front o-of Lumine. It's r-rude..." Ganyu said.

"I can kiss my women whenever I please. If Lumine hates it then, fuck her." Scaramouche said, smirking down at Ganyu. I roll my eyes, leaning on the counter. "Aye yai yai. Two love birds in the same room. May I switch?" I ask, leaning into my hand. "Yes. Fucking switch." I scoff, and blow air out of my nose like a bull.

"You're an ass."

"You're a bitch."

"You're gay."

"Hah?! What did you say?!" Scaramouche yelled. Ganyu only chuckled nervously, holding the boy back. I then start laughing. It was funny watching him wanting to beat me. "I said you're gay, but you shouldn't be offended. I mean, you're in a relationship with Ganyu for crying out loud." I said, smirking at Scaramouche.

"Shut the hell up before I make you."

"Oooh I'm sooo scared." I cooed out, giving Scaramouche a soft yet gentle tone. He had no comeback. That was new. Scaramouche only scoffed and kissed Ganyu's cheek, retreating to his new room. Ganyu and I glanced at each other, then back at his door. "What just happened." I asked. Ganyu then giggled, letting out an "I don't know."

I hum, pursing my lips.


I walk inside, shutting the door behind me. I had bought some groceries so then our fridge wasn't empty. I was also hungry but didn't have enough money to order take-out. Setting the bags on the counter, I wipe the imaginary sweat off my forehead. I groan, knowing that it was going to bother me if I didn't ask Scaramouche if he was hungry.

So, without delaying any further, I suck it up and walk towards his door. I heard shuffling, telling me that he was still here. 'It's okay. You're not doing anything wrong, Lumine. You live here. Just ask him if he's hungry.' I thought to myself.

I was so glad that we didn't have classes till next week. I just wanted to relax and get settled in, which the college greatly gave us. I bite my tongue, suddenly feeling nervous just standing outside of Scaramouche's door.

I sigh, finally building up the small courage I had and knocked. "WHAT!" Scaramouche yelled. The door separating us made his voice sound muffled. "Uhm-" I was cut off by the door swinging open, forcing me to quickly back away with a shocked look on my face. "What the fuck do you want. I told you earlier not to bother me."

I gently tap my leg, swallowing my spit. I suddenly had dry mouth. I never used to act this way towards the boy before. If anything, it was because we were sharing a dorm together. Anywhere else, I would argue back. I lift a sleeve to my face, covering my mouth. Aether had lent me a hoodie and it was a bit big on me, making me look small.

Still tapping my leg gently with my left hand, I take a deep breath and ask, "I uhm... I was wondering if you were hungry. I just bought some groceries..." I trail off, looking to the right. "Like I would eat your disgusting food." Scaramouche said. I scoffed and stare at him, watching the boy lean against his doorframe with his arms folded.

"I was just trying to make sure, okay? Don't need to get your panties in a twist." I said, putting my hand down. My nerves wash away as Scaramouche continues to degrade my cooking skills. "God. Just say no then. I don't care if you eat or not." I then walk away from the angry boy without another word.

'I was only trying to be nice...' I thought, walking towards the stove. Aether had gifted me some pans and such so then the cabinets weren't empty. Sighing, I take out some meat and open the doors to the fridge with my foot. I didn't realize that a certain indigo haired boy was staring at me while I was trying to put the food away.

I then place the meat in the freezer. I turn back around and grab the cereal, just wanting to throw it on top of the fridge. I throw it, only for the cereal to fall on the counter. "Come on, dude..." I said, groaning. I then hear footsteps coming my way, making me look behind to find Scaramouche.

He pushes himself against my back, grabbing the cereal from the counter and places it on top of the fridge. I felt my face heat up from the sudden contact. "Thanks..." I mumble, hoping the boy would move. "It just bothered the fuck out of me when you threw the cereal. Don't do that next time." Scaramouche said, getting closer to my ear.

I could feel his breath, which made my face heat up more. "You're way too close, Scaramouse!" I exclaimed, pushing the said boy away. I made sure to look the other way so then he couldn't see the redness on my face. "Hah?! Don't fucking say my name like that, bitch!" Scaramouche yelled, clearly upset with the name that slipped out.

"Okay, sorry!" I yelled back, placing both hands on my cheeks. They felt hot. I now knew not to show my face towards the boy behind me. "The hell? Fucking look at me when I talk to you." Scaramouche said, demanding for me to face him. I refused to do so though. I'd rather die than show him the huge blush that formed.

"I refuse! I'll put everything else away later!" I exclaimed, quickly running to my room. I didn't get very far though. The irritated boy grabbed my wrist tightly, forcing me to stop in my tracks. "L-let go you damn boob!" I was honestly desperate to get him away. "Did you just... Call me a boob...?" Scaramouche asked.

I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was even more irritated at that name than the one I accidently blurted out a minute ago. Pulling me back, I yelp and land on the said boys' chest. "You'll fucking pay for that." Scaramouche said, glaring daggers at me. I slowly look up at the slightly taller male, finally showing him my face.

His face full of irritation soon turned into a look of surprise. "Is your face... red?" He asks, making me blush more. I close my eyes tightly, suddenly feeling his grip on my wrist tighten. "Scaramouche, t-that hurts. Can you let go?" I ask, trying to pull my arm away. That only caused him to grip harder.

"Why is your face red?"

"Does it matter why? Just let g-go already!" I stuttered out. I bite my lower lip, staring into his indigo eyes. I then see his mouth form a small smirk, bringing me closer to his face. This day was seriously turning out to be a disaster. I mean, we only moved in yesterday and now this is happening. My luck sucks...

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