Chapter 11

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"How long are you going to keep me here?"

"Until you say that you'll listen to me."

I groan dramatically, now letting my body deadweight the boy behind me. "Dead weighting me isn't going to make me let go. You aren't heavy." Scaramouche said. "Fine. I'll listen. Just hurry up and say what you want to say, Scaramouche." I finally say, just wanting to sleep. "I don't like you being all touchy with Xiao."

Now staring up at Scaramouche, I swallow my spit as he stares back at me. "We aren't dating or anything. It's friendly touches. I do them with Venti all the time too-"

"I hate that as well." I widen my eyes a little. Jealousy. That's what I'm getting from his attitude. "Don't tell me you're jealous. You're dating Ganyu, there isn't anything to be jealous of." I said, calling the indigo-haired boy out. "Does it look like I give a fuck who I'm dating?" I let out a loud sigh, not wanting to have this conversation.

"You should. Ganyu is a sweet girl. She loves you. You're using me anyway, so I don't want to hear that you're jealous." I say. I didn't care about what I just said. It's true anyway. "Is that what you think...?" Scaramouche asks, his voice just a little above a whisper. "It's true, isn't it?" I ask, lifting my hand up the best I could.

Scaramouche was crushing my arms, so it was difficult to even move. "It's about time we stop. Like I said before, you're dating Ganyu. I can't continue no matter what." I was trying to prove a point, but that only made the boy hug my body tighter. "Scaramouche, do you understand?" I ask, letting my voice get softer.

I felt like I was talking to a kid who got in trouble. I then feel the said boy lay his forehead on my shoulder. Forcing one of my arms out, I place a hand on his head, petting his hair gently. "No matter what or how I feel. We gotta stop. I think it's time. I think it's the gods telling us something..." I whisper, closing my eyes. I started to relax into his touch. 

"What do you mean by that?" Scaramouch finally asks. "It doesn't matter. We'll get to that on a later date." I take a deep breath, leaning against the boy. We both went silent after that. No one had to say a word. I took this as an opportunity to have one last moment with Scaramouche. 'My feelings don't matter...' I thought.


"Fuck no." Scaramouche says with his arms folded. "That sucks. Lumine isn't moving out. She's only going to switch places with me till the issue resolves itself." Aether said, keeping up a nice smile. "What fucking issue? There's nothing going on." Scaramouche was very reluctant on letting me switch with Aether for a little.

"That is none of our business, right? So, I welcome you with open arms, new roomie!" Aether says, clapping his hands together with that smile still lingering on his face. The indigo-haired boy scowls, glancing over at me who was standing behind my twin. I was honestly worried this would happen.

I didn't bother to tell Scaramouche anything. It was last minute. "I'm sorry, but at least try not to get angry at Aether. It was my idea anyway. It's only for a little while." I say, slowly walking in between the 2 boys. "I know that Aether won't start anything, but Scaramouche, I expect you to be a little nice to my brother."

"You think I want to share a room with your fucking genderbend? It was bad enough that I was sharing with you." Scaramouche says, looking to the side with a glare. Not going to lie, that hurt. Sighing, I say, "Aether, why don't you go back to your dorm. Xiao must be waiting. We can switch tomorrow." 

Aether gave me a pat on the shoulder and finally left, shutting the door while he was leaving. "Please be nice to Aether." I sudden say, breaking the small silence that happened. "I don't even see the point of this switch. What could you fucking possibly be having an issue with?" Scaramouche asks. I couldn't answer that question though.

"That's a question that can be answered at another time." I replied back, blinking slowly while staring at the irritated boy. "I promise that it won't be too long. I just need time." Scaramouche didn't accept my answer, letting out a growl of frustration. "This is fucking dumb." I place a hand on my head, suddenly getting a headache.

"Ganyu is coming over, right? You should wear something that isn't dirty. It's my turn to do laundry so make sure to bring out your basket along with that nasty hoodie of yours." I say, finally walking away. I open my door and grab my basket full of dirty clothes. Picking up the basket, I walk back out and place it next to the black beanbag.

"I'll collect it around 5, okay?" Scaramouche didn't answer. He only glared at the yellow beanbag that was close by. "Fine then. Be grumpy. I can't get through to you anyway." I finally said, shaking my head and sitting down on the black beanbag. Leaning my head back, I shut my eyes. I was tired.

I start to breathe slowly, hoping to relax myself. "Are you really going to switch...?" I hear Scaramouche ask. His voice was now at a softer volume. Keeping my eyes close, I replied, "Yup. It won't be long. Just maybe a couple weeks. The longest would be a month." I then hear soft footsteps come closer to me.

"A month?" I nod my head, still having my eyes closed. "I don't break promises. So, you just have to trust me when I say that that would be the longest." I said. I gently lick my lower lip, suddenly feeling the dryness of it. "Fine..." Scaramouche whispered. I felt his breath near my lips as he speaks in soft whispers.

'Idiot.' I thought. I then felt Scaramouche place his lips onto mine, kissing me softly. I feel like it's been years since I've kissed the boys' lips. I decided that this could be our last and final kiss. Gently kissing Scaramouche back, I place a hand on his cheek in a sweet manner. I wanted this to last as long as possible.

I was serious when I said we should stop. I wasn't in control of my actions before, so I hesitated. But now, I feel like it's officially time to end our little relationship. Nothing much was going on between us anyway. It may be hard for me to move on completely, but I know that I can manage.

Finally, our lips parted. I open my eyes and stare into Scaramouche's beautiful indigo eyes. "Did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?" I ask, letting my voice fall into a whisper. "I don't recall such a thing." Scaramouche says. I let out a breathless giggle. "I do enjoy the color of your eyes, Scaramouche. I wish I had them."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"I'm not. Just take the compliment and shut up." I said, letting out another breathless giggle. I enjoyed moments such as this. It's what makes it hard to let go of him. "Ganyu's going to be here any minute. You might want to take a step back." Sighing, Scaramouche did just that, scratching the back of his head.

I then stand up, now seeing the front door slowly open to reveal my best friend. Ganyu had a smile on her face, staring at both me and Scaramouche. "Speak of the devil. Make sure you both have fun, okay?" I say, smiling at Ganyu. 'Such a lucky girl. Please treasure each other.' I thought.

Scaramouche then walks over to Ganyu, placing a hand on her waist. I was upset at the action but knew it was part of the healing process. "Make sure to not stay out too late. And Scaramouche, you better take Ganyu back to her dorm." I say, acting like I was her mother. "Yeah yeah, quit fucking nagging me."

Hearing Ganyu giggle, they both finally left for their date. Smiling sadly at the now closed door, I wish them the best. "I hope to find someone like that..." I whisper, feeling a tear fall down my cheek. It'll be okay...

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