Chapter 8

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"Yucky!" I yell, pretending to vomit. Ganyu only blushes while Scaramouche only stares at me with slight amusement. Ganyu had asked me to hang out with her and Scaramouche. With last weeks events still in my mind, I decided not to hurt her feelings and come along. Third wheel gang here.

"You guys can kiss but do it where I can't see. It's gross!" I said, exaggerating a little. "S-Sorry, Lumine. I still love you though!" Ganyu replied, giving me a cute smile. I playfully roll my eyes as we walk down the sidewalk. Classes had just finished for the day and we were planning to get some coffee since I have been so tired lately.

It was Ganyu's idea, by the way. Once we make it towards the coffee shop, I hear Ganyu say, "I'll go in and order. I'd figured since it was such a nice day that we could sit out here! No fighting while I'm gone though." I purse my lips and rub my shoulder. "Tell that to Scaramouche." I said, pointing my thumb at the said boy.

"Yeah right. Go fuck yourself." Scaramouche said, smacking my hand. "Just please go sit down." Ganyu says, finally leaving us alone. Without saying anything, I take a seat in one of the closest chairs that I could find, Scaramouche also doing the same. It was quiet. Too quiet. I felt a little awkward. I mean, who wouldn't after doing what we did last week and have not said a word to each other since.

"Lumine." I flinch as I finally hear Scaramouche break the awkward silence. "Yeah?" I bite my lower lip, staring into his indigo eyes, waiting for him to speak. Why did he have to leave me in suspense? It was making me nervous. "Give me your hand." Scaramouche demands. I sigh and lay my arm on the table, stretching it towards him.

I see Scaramouche glance around, seeming to make sure no one was watching the encounter. Without further delay, Scaramouche then grabs my hand and squeezes it. I was surprised by the sudden action. Why was he doing that? I now knew that I couldn't avoid this any longer. I needed to give it to him straight.

"Scaramouche, I think we should stop whatever we're doing." I said. I felt my heart break a little, not wanting to say this. It had to be done though. "If you wanted to stop then you wouldn't have gone through with it." I swallow my spit. This was going to be harder than I thought. "Ganyu's my best friend. I can't keep doing this..."

I felt him squeeze my hand a little tighter while moving it so we were holding hands underneath the table. "You like me, don't you?" Scaramouche asks, now glaring at me. Although, I thought I saw a hint of hesitation. "I don't." I said. It hurt me to say it. It shouldn't have but it did. I was really the worst friend to ever exist.

I then hear him chuckle, making me give him a look of confusion. "Heh. Lumine, just admit that you like me.~" Scaramouche said. I grip onto my pants leg, not wanting to fall for anything that the indigo-haired boy was doing. Sighing, I replied with, "You're Ganyu's boyfriend... So, I'd appreciate it if you could never say that again."

Without saying anything else, I force the boy to let go of my hand. I then lock both of my hands together. I may have looked calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside, I was screaming. I didn't want to do this but knew it was the right decision. It was for Ganyu. Besides, me and Scaramouche wouldn't look good together.

"I'm back!" We both look over to see Ganyu herself carrying 3 drinks. Placing them down on the table, the said girl takes a seat next to her boyfriend with a smile. "You guys didn't fight while I was away, right?" Ganyu asks, giving us both a look. I then close my eyes and give my best friend a smile. "Nope. We have decided not to fight in front of you."


"That's good!" Ganyu exclaimed, clapping her hands at the sudden news. This is for the best.


I walk through the door with Scaramouche following behind. We decided to call it a day and go back to our respectful dorms. I still dread that I had to share it with Scaramouche. "I was planning on taking a shower. If you wanted to take one too then you can go in first." I said, staring behind me to see the boy shutting the door.

I watched him lock it as well. Scaramouche then looked back at me with nothing but a blank stare. "Did you hear me?" I ask. I turn my body towards him, not wanting to get too close to the said boy. "Yeah. I fucking heard you." Scaramouche replied back with attitude. I sigh, not liking the way he started to treat me after our little talk earlier.

"Alright..." I said, sounding a little upset. It hurt my chest to hear him talk to me like that. I walk over to one of the stools and sit down, tapping the counter gently. No one said a word. I was starting to think that maybe I should switch with Xiao. The dark-haired boy even offered the day I talked to him about my slight jealousy.

I told him I would think about it, and it was making me want too. "I know you didn't mean what you said earlier. You just didn't want to hurt Ganyu." I hear Scaramouche say. That boy was so clever that it made me want to smack him. I stop tapping the counter, not understanding Scaramouche at all. Why was he acting like this all of a sudden?

"No. I mean it when I say that I don't like you. You don't like me either so we should have no problem stopping whatever we were doing."

"I never said that I didn't like you."

I widen my eyes a bit after hearing that. Was he serious? I then decided to keep the conversation going so then it wasn't silent. "You have. Remember? You told me that you hated me." I said, turning my body towards the indigo-haired boy. Scaramouche was close to me all of a sudden. 'I really need to start paying more attention...' I thought.

Scaramouche then bends down a little, moving his face closer to mine. I thought he was about to close the gap there for a second. "I said that but maybe I've changed my mind, who knows. Lumine, let me kiss you." Scaramouche said in a demanding tone. Although, it sounded like he was still asking permission.

He's never asked before. "I can't..." I trail off, glancing to the side. Hearing the boy click his tongue, I glance back into Scaramouche's eyes. "You can. You just fucking won't." He was right. There was no one here to stop us. The door was locked, and Scaramouche was very close to me, making it very hard to resist. "You're right... But Ganyu-"

"Let me kiss you, Lumine. If you're really going to fucking avoid me again then let me do this one more time." Scaramouche now sounded desperate. 'When was Scaramouche ever desperate?' I ask myself. He's never even done that to Ganyu. Why though. "If I let you then I might want to keep going..." I whisper, telling Scaramouche the truth.

Even after I said that, I still couldn't stop my arms from slowly wrapping around Scaramouche's neck. 'One more kiss wouldn't hurt... Right?' I thought, staring at the boy. My mind was clouded with thoughts of him once again. "I'll lead..." Scaramouche said, finally closing the gap between us...

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