Chapter 6

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"Lumine! It feels like it's been a long time since I've seen you..." Ganyu said, following my figure with her eyes. I sit down next to her, waiting for our class to start. I give her a tired smile, knowing that I barely got any sleep again. It was finally time for our classes to officially start. "But it's only been 2 days. And it wasn't anyone's fault." I said.

I lean back into my uncomfortable chair, hoping the time could go by quickly. I then hear Ganyu gasp dramatically, making me flinch and whip my head in her direction. "What-" Ganyu then yelled out, "Scara!" I place a hand on my chest, feeling my heart race from the sudden scare. "Archons... Don't do that."

Ganyu stands up and almost trips while running towards her boyfriend. I lean forward onto the desk and watch the couple give each other a peck on the lips. "You're in this class too? That's great!" Ganyu said, giving Scaramouche a tight hug. Still staring at the two, I bite my lower lip. With my yellow-gold tired eyes, I try to look away.

I couldn't though. I kept thinking about what happened between Scaramouche and me. I knew how badly I've screwed up and have been trying to avoid the irritated boy the best to my abilities. I then see Scaramouche look my way, staring into my eyes. I swallow my spit, whipping my head in the direction of the board.

'I'm such a horrible person... I can't get distracted.' I thought, trying to hype myself up. We then heard a quiet bell ring, signaling that it was time for this class to get started. "Thank the archons..." I whispered. I thought Ganyu was going to sit next to me, but she decided to stay with Scaramouche. That hurt my feelings a little.


"Lumine?" I groan, holding my head. It was finally the end of the day and I spend it trying to avoid the indigo-haired boy. It seemed like everywhere I went was where he was. "Sorry, Aether. I just haven't been getting much sleep lately and I'm really tired." I said, staring up at my twin with tired eyes.

"Maybe you should go back to your dorm then. Get some sleep. I can just tell the group that you'll hang with us tomorrow." I smile at him, feeling very grateful towards my brother for understanding. "Thank you." I then stand up, parting ways with Aether and walking towards the dorm building.

I sigh as I open the door and walk up the stairs, making myself go faster so I could sleep. Making it to the room, I open the door and glance around the room. I was hoping I wouldn't see a certain Indigo-haired boy who was suddenly everywhere today. I bite my lower lip and shut the door quietly, not wanting to make much noise.

I was only trying to be sure that Scaramouche wasn't here. "He wouldn't be here, right? He should be hanging out with Ganyu..." I say, quietly talking to myself. Placing a fist in front of my mouth in a thinking motion, I sit down on one of the stools. I close my eyes and place a gentle hand on my head.

I was super tired. I probably should've just gone to my room, but I didn't feel like getting up. I then hear a door open, and slam shut, making me flinch for a second. Not bothering to open my eyes, I sit there. "Oh, you're home." I hear. I didn't bother to answer as my eyebrows furrowed. "What the fuck are you doing. Don't ignore me like you have been."

I let out a shaky sigh, still not answering the boy. "Lumine, are you fucking listen?!" Scaramouche yelled out. I then let my head hit the counter, feeling myself groan tiredly. "Scara... you're too loud..." I quietly said, hearing footsteps come closer to me. Not even bothering with it anymore, I feel myself ready to fall asleep.

"It seems like you haven't been sleeping..." I hear Scaramouche whisper. He was close to my ear, making shivers go down my spine. "Mhm... I've had a lot on my mind..." I mumble out. Feeling hands on my waist and back, I suddenly was wanting to fall asleep. 

"Why not sleep then?"

"Because If I sleep now, I won't go to bed tonight. I have class tomorrow and I don't want to sleep in." I replied. I slowly open my eyes, staring at the door with a blank expression. "Weren't you supposed to hang out with Ganyu today...?" I question, still staring at the door. "Mmm, I told her I was tired and came here early. Trying to avoid me again?"

I only nod my head slightly, not really keeping it a secret. "But I guess you were home..." I then felt Scaramouche's breath on my neck, making me shoot my head up. "S-stop that!" I say, looking back at him. Scaramouche only stares at me, not saying anything. I stare at him nervously, hoping he would hear my quiet plea.

"Did you forget what we did last week?"

"I don't want to remember."

"But I fucking remember. So, you'll remember too." Scaramouche said, furrowing his eyebrows at me. I was about to stand up when the said boy pulls me closer to him, burying his face into my neck. I felt my heart race at the sudden contact, making me remember the feeling. "You wouldn't have kissed back if you didn't like me, Lumine..."

"You s-shouldn't have kissed me to begin with- Ah!" I felt a blush flush onto my face as I feel Scaramouche's tongue on my neck. I quickly wrap my arms around his waist, gripping onto the black hoodie Scaramouche was wearing. I didn't think I was so sensitive to touches. Let alone, a tongue gently grazing my neck.

I felt my hands shake as Scaramouche continued to slide his tongue around my neck. I then close my eyes tightly and let out a yelp, feeling teeth bite onto my sensitive skin. "S-Scaramouche! S-stop it, please! That hurt!" I said, trying to raise my voice. Feeling his tongue yet again grazing the place he bit, I started to feel small.

Although, deep down, I didn't mind feeling so small against him. And I hated myself for it. "I can feel you shaking, Lumine." Scaramouche said, causing me to grip onto his hoodie tighter. "I-It's because I've never felt something like this before. A-and I shouldn't, so please stop..." I said, hearing my voice quiver a bit.

"You say stop, but your body says otherwise." I honestly couldn't take it anymore. I knew how wrong it was. And yet, after Scaramouche said what my body was feeling, I suddenly wanted more. "I-I'm the worst..." I whispered, feeling Scaramouche pull back. I stare into his indigo eyes, showing signs of nervousness.

Without any further conversations, Scaramouche leaned in, kissing my lips with such gentleness. I was still new to the whole kissing thing, so I felt as if I was doing something wrong. It hurt my ego, but I followed his lead. He seemed like he knew what to do. I felt Scaramouche grip onto my hips roughly, seeming to pull me even closer.

Lumine... You should be ashamed...

Feeling his tongue slide against my bottom lip made me instantly give him access. Even now, it still felt exciting as the first time. I move my hands to his shoulders, deciding that that was the best place to be gripping. As Scaramouche explores the inside of my mouth, I was trying to keep my racing heart from pounding out of my chest.

His touch was so gentle that I almost forgot who he really was. This was Scaramouche. No one else. Finally, Scaramouche pulls away, leaving me a panting mess with a little drool falling down my chin. I open my eyes, blink slowly, and stare into his indigo eyes. My body was still shaking from the sudden rush, making me feel vulnerable... 

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