Like a moth to a flame.

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Tommy held back tears as he watched as Muse took the tracker off  his wrist, His only escape out of this. He silently prayed that Tubbo would at least send Ranboo to look for him. But for now Tommy could only watch as he was held in place by Muses' powers.

"Walk with me Prometheus," The command slipped easily off of Muses' tongue forcing Tommy's legs to move forwards, trailing behind him. 

"Do you know how shocked I was when I first heard about you? A local hero pulls down the rime rates of district eight in a matter of two weeks." His voice contained what Tommy could only describe sounded like.. awe?

"And just when i was getting bored of this city you come along and make things exciting again Prometheus," He talked as if what Tommy was a new character on some reality show making his face twist into a snarl.

"What I do is actually important Muse, Its not just a game for you too enjoy."" Tommy spat out, his fear now replaced by anger.

If there was one thing in this world he hated it was people mocking him. He knew what he was doing was good even if he was targeting heroes. Its not like they did anything for the lower districts anyways.

Muse's reaction to his outburst was strange to say the least. Instead of getting filled with rage the villain merely threw his head back and laughed. Tommy watched in shock as the villain's laughter eventually faded and he put his hands up in mock surrender.

"Who knew districts eight's hero was such a spitfire? You're even more enticing in person."

"I am not a hero, do not associate me with them."

Muse's face seemed to light up in exhilaration at that comment  though Tommy couldn't tell for sure because of the mask covering his eyes. Muse stepped closer to him, Towering over his weakened form.

"Stop walking," Muse's words came out sugar coated causing Tommy's legs to lock in place.

"So, heroic figure Prometheus is not only sending messages to heroes but actively hates them! My god, you have really peaked my interest Prometheus," He stepped even closer to Tommy leaning into him slightly. "How am I ever going to leave you alone now?"

Tommy's breath stuttered as he heard the last of Muse's words. His final sentence burning itself into Tommy's brain. Muse stepped away still grinning at him before speaking again.

"I can practically smell the fear radiating off of you Prometheus, calm down man. We do have a common enemy after all."

Tommy wasn't blind, he could see that the man meant something else by his words.

"What do you want Muse?" Tommy tried to sound harsh but his voice shook.

"Its not about what I want its more.. a proposal of sorts." Muse looked away at Tommy staring on to the horizon. "No one knows why you became Prometheus but your clearly angry and I don't think its at the us, your messages are targeted at heroes after all"

Muse's smile didn't falter for one second as he looked back at Tommy throwing an arm around his shoulder and pulling him the face the sunrise. Tommy's body tensed against his hold trying desperately to break from his command to no avail.

"I'm offering you help Prometheus, my help." Muse started "Think of it Prometheus, we both hate the heroes, our goals could even align!"

"You're a villain muse, I help people."

"I may be a villain but we both know the heroes do more damage than I could ever dream of."

"The fact is not the amount of damage it's that you do it in the first place!"

Igniting a darkened flame. // SBIWhere stories live. Discover now