The brightest star.

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Purpled was lonely.

Sure he had his friends, but ever since the business with Prometheus all of the seemingly never spent time at home.

Tubbo and Ranboo just went off on their own most of the time and Tommy was becoming more obsessed with patrolling and if he wasn't he was visiting Niki.

His heart panged at the thought of the woman, though he wasn't as close to her as Tommy or Ranboo he still cared for her deeply.

Right now was one of the rare moments Tommy was actually home, Purpled smiled softly at that deciding to prepare some breakfast whilst he was still asleep.

He hummed to himself as he fried some eggs when he was interrupted by the tell tale  sound of some coming down the stairs. 

"Hey Toms in here!" He yelled out.

The boy in question walked into the question walked into the kitchen with a smile on his face as he greeted his friend before sitting down and digging into the meal he prepared. Purpled noticed his friend had changed into clothes to go out and frowned.

"Are you visiting Niki today again?"

Tommy swallowed the food in his mouth before replying.

"No actually I'm hanging out with a friend today."

"Oh." Purpled failed to hide the disappointment in his speech.

Tommy looked up at him confused. 

"What's up Purp? You seem upset."

"Its nothing its just-" He sighed "I was thinking we could hang out today?"

Purpled had a slight tint of hope in his words but by just looking at Tommy's face he knew what his answer would be before he said it.

"Sorry Purp maybe some other time yeah?"

Purpled silently nodded in agreement a fake smile on his face.

"Yeah sure Toms."

Tommy finished up his food and walked to the door Purpled behind him.

"Bye Purpled!" His friend said giving him a side hug.

"Bye Tommy." He said dryly watching as his friend opened the door, flinching as the sound it made as it was slammed shut.

He sighed throwing himself on the couch aimlessly staring at the art Tommy had made on the wall. This  was what it was like for Purpled nowadays just sitting by himself in a big empty warehouse shivering from the cold.

He sometimes went out but it just wasn't the same without his friends, so he mostly just stayed home cleaning up or well.. nothing else really. The once filthy warehouse had almost become spotless because of the countless hours he was left alone. I guess you could say well.

Purpled was lonely.


It had been a week since Tommy had met Wilbur and he already started considering the man a close friend. 

They exchanged numbers that day after bonding over memories of Niki. The two had been sending messages to each other ever since. Today Wilbur had invited to this diner that he had claimed was the best in his district.

Slight issue. He lived in district eight.

And Wil lived in district two.

Tommy's original bubbly excitement had quickly disappeared upon realizing he had no real way of getting there. He sighed in frustration before whipping out his phone to call the man.

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