We'll meet again.

905 32 35

TW: mention of insanity, light very light extremely light mentions of saucy side. it gets happier at the end, light injury little punchy.

"Don't know where,

Don't know when,

But I know we'll meet again some sunny day," He sang quietly under his breath

Tubbo was going fucking insane.

Beads of sweat ran down his face as he sat alone in his cell.

He couldn't believe this shit, being stuck in a jail with actual criminals and murderers. Pandora was a famous prison, it was known too hold the most blood thirsty killers and even Tubbo swallowed even villains.

He had fought tooth and nail at his trial trying to get proved innocent but it was hard when the lighter responsible for causing the fire had his fingerprints all over it. Plus the knife used to cut Wilbur.

Wilbur, the very thought of the man made his blood boil. He had been forced to watch as the man committed the act that killed his friend.

He hadn't even known Ranboo had died until a day before his trkial when hearing all the things he was being accused of.

"What." He said frozen in shock.

"Like I said kid, Arson, destruction of property, assault and the murder of three people." His lawyer repeated. He had a public defender because of course he couldn't afford a his own.

"I-I didn't kill anyone." He said horrified.

"Well this says you did, two people who accidently inhaled some fumes from the fire and the kid who was found tied up."

"Ranboo." He breathed out.

"Yeah that one, died after the paramedics got him out of there, now listen here Mr Craft out there is the only witne-"

Tubbo zoned out after the lawyer said that, Ranboo wasn't dead, he couldn't be dead. He remembers the trial vividly. Tommy sobbing into a murders shoulder as he was dragged away to the place he was meant to spend the rest of his life in.

And here he was, living out those years surrounded by molten hot lava.

The reason Pandora was a famous prison was because it was built over  a bunch of molten rock making it so each prisoner was basically surrounded by lava. 

At least he was in district one, he shrugged his shoulders. At least when he dies in here he'll be buried near the rich.

And away from his friends a voice in the back of his mind whispered.

District one was known as the hero district, the whole country basically being built around it. It held the hero tower and most prisons.

He was regarded as one of the lower security prisoners though how things were going for him he might not even be in this prison for much longer.

He wondered what the after life looked like.

He wondered if his brothers were waiting for him on the other side.

He wondered if his parents were on the other side.

He touched his neck slightly, running his thumb over his throat.

He could meet them on the other side.

He shook his head, ridding his mind of those thoughts, He had too stay strong, he still had people that loved him out there, or he hoped. He might've not been as close to Niki  as Tommy or Ranboo were but he still had her too fight for. Tommy, if he still even thought about Tubbo, he had Tommy.

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