Willing to drown.

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Tommy woke up but refused to open his eyes.

He grumbled in sleepiness pressing his face into the pillow and shutting his eyes tight. He a piece of cloth around his mouth and neck making his face itch. He shuffled so he was on his back and still with his eyes closed, moved to take it off.

"I don't think you want to do that." A voice said from the foot of his bed.

His eyes slammed open as he pushed his hands on to the mattress so he could sit up. However he fell back down with a cry as an arrow of pain shot up his arm.

He heard a chair scrape against the ground and someone place a hand on his chest. 

"Your injured Prometheus stay down."

Tommy struggled against the hold but stopped dead once he realized who was standing above him.

Jester's gloved hand stayed firmly on his chest, holding him on the bed. The man wore a white dress shirt with two suspenders holding everything firmly in place. He wore flowy pants but had a belt that had an empty gun holster on the side.  

A grinning theatre mask hid his facial features and blue beanie sat on top of his unruly black hair.

"What the fuck." He breathed out. "Where am I?"

"You're in Las Nevadas kid, found you outside real roughed up." Jester replied, taking his hand off of Tommy.

Tommy's head ached as the events of yesterday hit him like a truck, he felt his stomach twist as he remembered what he learned about Muse. However he felt more dread sat the name Jester had called him.

"I'm not a kid." He said meaning to sound scary but his voice shook.

"You aren't fooling anyone Prometheus, you don't even have a voice changer." The villain chuckled.

"Fuck off." He groaned.

"Who were you even fighting? Or more like running from actually."

"Ichor, and I was only running to avoid civilians."

"Ichor? Aren't you like best friends with the Syndicate or something?" The guy questioned making Tommy grit his teeth in irritation.

"I was allies with Muse but that might end soon." He forced out. 

He didn't know what to think anymore, Nine was shit when  it was around, worse than eight but it was  home. No matter if Tommy was just a kid when he lived there that what he thought of when he thought home and Muse-

Muse took that.

"Muse won't be happy about that." Jester huffed out.

"What?" Tommy looked at him confused.

"It's not my place to say kid but Muse has- possessive tendencies so too say." He revealed. "And from what I heard he likes you so if you leave he'll do something about it."

"Well I'll leave even if it kills me." He decided. More to himself than too Jester.

"Well you're welcome here Prometheus." The Villain said. 

The statement made Tommy falter, if he wanted to avoid Muse he could stop being an anti-hero, but he couldn't just stop. Not when he was this close to revenge. Las Nevadas was an opportunity for a getaway and escape from Muse. But that would mean staying here. And Tommy couldn't leave Wilbur, Techno and Phil. 

They were his family.

"What would I have to do."

"Well not much, Just wear our symbol someplace on you, tell me when your going out for a patrol or whatever and if I have something I want you to do do it." The man stated. "And I have to see your face."

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