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   I wake up to the bright golden glow of the rising sun coming out of my large apartment window. I sit up and stretch. I couldn't help but smile from the beautiful lighting. I felt so grateful to live in such a nice home after everything I'd been through.

   I get up and walk towards the bathroom attached to my large master bedroom, and get into my shower.
Asher's hairstyle and outfit👇🏼

 ————————————————————————Asher's hairstyle and outfit👇🏼

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    I finish styling my black fluffy hair. My friends often make fun of my emo appearance. I've learned to just ignore it. I'm finally happy with myself, and that's all that matters.

   I walk outside my bedroom and crossed the hallway to one of the guest rooms in my apartment. I have 3 guest rooms in my home. I almost always have at least one being used at all times.

     My home is a bit strange. My house isn't just my house, it's basically my whole school's house.
   You see, my childhood was not the best. I was abused by my family, physically and emotionally, and sometimes I would be kicked out on the streets as a punishment. It's a horrible terrifying experience being on the streets, having no one to care for you.

    When I was 16 I knew I had to get out of my abusive household. I worked multiple jobs, and stayed up countless nights, trying to earn money. I also was studying all the time, and building a business. That business has become very successful, and I've been able to buy the apartment of my dreams. A two-story, 5 bedroom, two offices, 3 bathroom, open floor plan apartment.

   After about one week in my dream apartment, I felt, unhappy. I felt selfish. I kept thinking about the kids I would see at school. I would wonder if these kids had abusive parents or if they always had a safe place to go home to.

  I had a plan, and as crazy as it sounded, I was going to get it done.

   After two months I was able to get everything set up. During those two months, I was transforming my house into a safe space. A safe space for anyone who didn't have one. I turned 3 of the bedrooms into guest rooms, full of heat blankets, sound machines, essential oils, stuffed animals, and anything that could make a person feel safe. I turned one of the offices into a playroom. There was stuff like legos, I pads, play dough, stuff for any age that can be fun and relaxing.

   I also had taken multiple classes online, and at school, to learn about human physiology. So I can know how to properly talk to people who have been through trauma, people with anxiety, depression, or anything like that.

   I also put stuff in my house for littles. I had the highchairs that's strap onto the kitchen chairs, playpens, baby gates, portable cribs, changing tables, and mats. I also had smaller things, like pacifiers, teethers, sippy cups, bottles, bibs, pull-ups, diapers, and lots more. Even though it's pretty rare I ever get a little that needs caring for, I still like to keep that stuff around. One day I honestly really want to be a daddy for a little, but I doubt I'll ever happen.

   After I had gotten everything at my house ready, I hung up posters around my school, in the counseling rooms, and told my friends, and basically anyone that needs help about it.

   Over the past year and a half, I've gotten SO many students to come to my house. I've helped hundreds of people. I feel so happy with my accomplishments, and to this day I still have just as many people coming to my house asking for help.

   I walk to the guest room. I currently have a sophomore boy, whose parents kicked him out of the house, because he got a B+ on a test, and my junior friend, who was just going to come to hang out but ended up staying the night to help with the sophomore.

  I knock on the door. After about a minute the sleepy child opens the door. He rubs his brown eyes with his little fist and looks at me curiously.

"Good morning Oliver!!" I greet him in a cheery tone. "How'd you sleep bud," I say while leaning down slightly to get down to his level.

"Good," he whispers. "Had a bad dream though," he mumbles quietly.

"Aww, I'm sorry bud. Do you want to talk about it?"I ask.

Oliver shakes his head and looks down at the floor.

I place my hand under his chin and lift his head. "Buddy, can you please use your words?" I softly ask.

"I don't want to talk about it," olive says, now slightly embarrassed.

"Okay, thank you. Now get ready for school. I left some clothes on top of the dresser. I'll be downstairs making breakfast." I say while I ruffle his hair.
—————————30mins later ————————

I sit at the table with my friend Josh and Oliver. When Oliver speaks.

"I talked to my parents last night. They said I can come back if I promise to study more." He states quietly.

Josh and I look at each other, and then I look back at Oliver. "Okay... you can go back but PROMISE me. If your parents kick you out, or anything bad like that. Come to my house straight away, okay."

"Okay, I will," he promises.

I drive Oliver and josh to school, we hang out with my large group of friends until the first bell rings. We say our final goodbyes. Then I walk to my first class of the day, digital photography.

I take my seat in the middle row of the glass room with two of my friends. In the first half of the class, we worked on editing the unimportant things out of the background of photos in Lightroom. I was working on editing a pic of my friend Noah falling down the stairs, he wasn't very happy about it.

After about an hour in a half of work, the teacher started teaching our next lesson on shutter speed. He just started talking when the door to the classroom opened, and an adorable girl walked through. It was Taylor

Taylor is a girl I have a digital photography class with. I've only really known Taylor from having a class with her. She's pretty quiet and spends most of her time hanging out with a junior named Haley

I've always been kinda interested in the girl. She doesn't always seem full... there. She always sorta zones out. Also every time anyone gets near her, she gets very scared. Not to be rude, buts she's also very thin, like VERY thin, and underdeveloped looking, she looks like a short middle schooler. She can't be more than 5'3. Something also strange is every time there is a conference day, where you bring your parents, her parents are never there. Which is odd for a freshman.

Lastly, the most noticeable. She doesn't seem to trust anyone. Sometimes that teacher will tell her to come with him to a separate room to talk about things to do to improve her photos (which he does with everyone by the way) and she is so scared to go with him, she gets tears in her eyes and starts shaking when he calls her up. Taylor is just in all a strange girl

Taylor hands the teacher a late slip and walks to her seat directly behind me. Her outfit is so adorable, from the bows in her hair down to her Velcro Paw patrol shoes. She looks like a little kid. I want to protect her so badly.

After a few minutes of the lesson, the bell rings, meaning the class is over. I take my time putting away my computer and packing up my stuff. Almost everyone in the class is gone exempt one girl. Is that... TAYLOR!?

Taylor had her head in her folded arms on the desk. And soft crying sounds were coming from her. Walked up to her desk, and leaned down so my arms were crossed on the table.

    "Hey, you okay there?"

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