Who's in control?

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Taylor sat frustrated in the pack-in play, paci bobbing fast between her cute pink lips. As much as she hates to admit it, she enjoys the pacifier. Sucking her thumb was not sanitary, and was inconvenient as well.

   Insanely bored, she grabbed one of the many toys scattered around her.


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    The one she picked up looked interesting, so she observed it a bit closer. She stuck her fingers through the holes. She shook it around, entertained by the rattle. She bent and stretched it. She didn't even realize she's has been playing for 30mins.

Anjali sighed settling down his phone. He has just submitted one of his assignments on Canvas and was thrilled to be done with school for the day.

   He glanced over at Taylor and grinned at the peaceful scene. Knowing she was going to get bored soon, he went over and crouched by the pay-in-play.

   "Having fun sweetie?"

   Taylor jumped and dropped the toy out of her hands, blushing in shame.

   "No, out" she demanded.

  Anjali lifted her out and slipped two fingers into her diaper.

  "Are you wet honey?"

  She gasped and pushed his hands away. Mortified he would do something like that.

"Sorry, just checking" he reassured, patting her bottom. He began to walk toward the playroom when Taylor yelped.

  "Ducky!!" she cried.

  "Ohh, you want your stuffy?"

   "Mhm," she whined, walking grabby hands in the other direction.

Anjali went back and snatched her stuffy before setting her down on the plush carpet of the playroom. She took the pacifier out of her mouth and examined the room. Anjali remembered he should probably get her a bottle of water so she would get dehydrated

"Baby I need to go grab something from the kitchen, you stay right here I'll be very quick."

Once Anjali left, Taylor slowly wobbled to her feet. Her feet felt numb from not walking all day, and there was only one thing on her mind. escaping to a bathroom where she can successfully empty her stomach.

She ran out of the playroom and towards the hallway of unknown doors. She had no clue where the bathroom was, but she needed to start searching. She opened a few doors, but still, no luck. She opened another door and quickly regretted it.

She opens the door to a guest room, with Asher sitting and talking to another guy. He looked about 16 with thick fluffy hair. The boy was wiping tears off his face with the palm of his hand while explaining something to Asher. Who was deeply engaged in the conversation.

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