The Fall

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For Asher, the night lasted forever.

His spot on the couch suddenly became a cold and stiff hospital chair pulled up bedside Taylor's bed in the ICU.

That night while sleeping Taylor got worse. Doctors rushed in later that night, alarms ringing, machines beeping.

They said it wasn't uncommon given all of her health problems, there would be ups and downs, but this wasn't down, this was the bottom.

Taylor's downs have never been just downs. Her downs have been being abused, raped, tortured, and ill. Taylor's down is being a little girl with the biggest heart, that world just breaks over and over again.

Because not even the cruelest of humans should ever endure this torture. Yet a 15-year-old girl should.

The doctors said her respiratory system failed and that's what's caused her heart to stop. Lucky not for too long, as chest compressions brought Taylor back quickly.

But still, it didn't feel like a miracle. It felt like the world was mocking her. Taunting her. Seeing how much she could take before she snapped. And this time she did.

Those few minutes hardly existed in Asher's mind, as he spent them with his head in the trash can puking up his guts as his world crashed around of him.

Even after she was brought back it was not any easier. Taylor was rushed around and was tested like a science experiment.

They found out just how much nutrients Taylor's body lacked, she was extremely malnourished and put on a feeding tube straight away. Which made Asher feel more sick, why didn't he just force her to eat?? Or tell someone about her anorexia sooner?

The doctors mentioned that cystic fibrosis causes inadequate calorie intake, so that and the fact Taylor starves herself. It's a miracle that her body hasn't failed sooner.

For the last few days, Asher had to learn to take the backseat when it came to Taylor's care.

Even though there was nothing he could do to help Taylor, besides her frequent diaper changes, Asher still didn't leave the hospital once. Anjali came around to visit a lot. Giving Asher food and caring for him a bit.

Reminding him to shower and get fresh air. Because all he ever did was stare at Taylor's sleeping body.

She was on life support for about 3 days until she was let off it.

He spent that time overthinking and learning as much about her illness as she could. The doctors explained and gave Asher the equipment needed for her care, which Asher of course asked Anjali to drop off at his house for when Taylor gets better.

There at home there was loads of medicine, a CPAP machine, because even in the short time they ran the sleep study on Taylor there were clear signs of sleep apnea. Nebulizer, airway clearing vest, all her vitamins for the feeding tube that's now in her belly, and some other bits and pieces.

It was extremely overwhelming at first but the more he learns the more confidence he has in caring for his girl.

When Taylor woke up, it was of someone hit restart on her life.

It's taken her a while to move again, start to make noise, take some breaths by herself, and communicate through blinking and squeezing the doctor's hands.

In that week after life support Asher sorta had to take a break from everything, school, his work, and his home which is obviously a sanctuary for many.

The age regression program at the school was now up and running, which was good for others but it didn't matter to Asher at the moment. He doesn't trust anyone with Taylor's care besides himself, the doctors, and maybe Anjali.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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