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   "Do you understand?" Asher asks Taylor in a gentle volume. Knowing she's gonna freak out.

  "I understand the rules, just not why you're doing this to me."

   "I'm putting you into age regression because I know it will help you. You need this."

"No.I.don't" She conveyed through clenched teeth.

"Watch your tone before you end up in timeout. Now I have to discuss another point of interest. Taylor, why did Anjali tell me you were having trouble going potty?"

This comment hushed Taylor, turning her face red with shame.

She shrugged her shoulders and looked down at her lap.

"Baby, if you need to go potty then go in your diaper. That's what it's for"

"N-no! I don't need a diaper!" Taylor yelled, more panicked than frustrated.

"Do you need some help?"

"Please no!!" She cried, tears welling in her blue eyes making them appear sparky.

"It will be alright, just let go" Asher convinced her, adjusting his grip on her so that he was putting pressure on the girl's bladder.

She winced at the contact and moved her hands on top of his the relieve the tension.

Taylor's heartbeat fastened and her breathing shallowed as her desperation grew stronger.

   She tried to move out of Asher's grip by rolling off his lap, but her attempt didn't work. Asher repositioned her, this time rubbing small circles on her tower tummy. The urge to pee was now unbearable.

  While maintaining pressure on Taylor's bladder, Asher felt as if the tension in Taylor's body is gone. Taylor gasped and flung her hands to her lower region.

  "No no no no!!" Her voice cracked as she broke into tears.

  "What's wrong-" That's when he felt his lap becoming increasingly warm. Taylor finally used her diaper.

  Taylor wept in utter devastation as her body fully let go of any urine still in her bladder.

  "Good girl!" Asher praised stroking her silky golden hair. She stuffed her fingers in her mouth and began to chew on them while Asher bounced her on his knee.

  He whispered soothing things to aid her into a better mood before taking her to get changed. She continued to sob whilst asher carried he to the nursery. Asher tried to lay her on the changing tables but she flinched in his arms.

   Taylor automatically started to kick. Being on the changing table is traumatic for Taylor. It's a very bad PTSD trigger for her.

  "NO!!" She screamed persistently.

  "Taylor I don't tolerate yelling. This is not a choice. You do what I say or be punished." He sternly lectured.

   Taylor did stop yelling, but only stopped kicking until she was strapped in, she physically couldn't do it anymore.

  Asher took a pacifier from a nearby shelf and popped it in Taylor's mouth. Taylor didn't refuse at all, she liked the pacifier.

  He then began to unstrap the bottom of her onesie, which made her whimper. She covered her face with a nearby burp cloth to hide from embarrassment. Asher didn't mind and carried on with changing her.

He untapped the diaper and began wiping, which gave Taylor a heart attack. She jumped and let out a moderately loud yelp.

"STOPP!!" She cried, bringing her hands down to her crouch to protect herself from being hurt again.

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