The secret

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—————————NO ONE POV————————

   It's 7:00 am and Asher starts to stir. He was sleeping nicely until a warm wet sensation brought him out of his deep slumber.

   Rubbing his eyes, he slowly started to gain consciousness. Once he was fully awake, he was confused about what was making the sheets wet. He curiously sat up and threw the comforter off him.

    What he saw made his heart sink. The wetness was coming from Taylor. Taylor had wet the bed again. I guess that one time thing in the guest room wasn't just a one-time thing. I wonder if Taylor has this problem all the time.

Asher gets out of bed and walks to the shower. He wanted to get clean before having to clean Taylor as well.
Asher's fit 👇🏻

------------------------------------------------------After Asher was all dressed in his dark, and simple outfit he exited the bathroom

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After Asher was all dressed in his dark, and simple outfit he exited the bathroom. While exiting he ran right into a sleepy Anjali.

  "Good morning Anjali!" Asher cheerfully greeted. Asher was much more of a morning person than Anjali.

    "Good morning bro" Anjali grinned.

   "By the way, when your done getting ready for the day I'm going to need your help. Taylor wet the bed last night and I'm going to need someone to help me with her." Asher gave a heads up

    "Okay, I'll be ready in a few minutes" Anjali yawed, feeling confident and ready for a day of babysitting.

  After 20 mins Asher and Anjali were ready. They walked into Asher's bedroom and softly woke Taylor.

   "Taylor, sweetheart time to get up," Asher soothed.

    Slowly, Taylor started to wiggle around in the bed. She groaned and rubbed her eyes with her little fist. suddenly Taylor flung awake. Taylor stared in terror at the state of the sheets beneath her. Warm tears started to run down her overwhelmed face.

   "Baby it's okay," Anjali soothed whilst reaching over to pet her head.

   "Come here sweetheart, let me help," Asher offered, holding out his arms.

    Taylor ignored their comforts and began to go into a panic attack. She breathed short shallow breaths whilst tears rushed down her rosey cheeks.

   Trying to avoid Taylor from running away again, Asher grabs Taylor's hand and pulled her out of bed. He would have picked her up, but she was soaking wet, and he didn't want to have to change his clothes.

   Asher kept a tight grip on Taylor's hand as he lead her to the bathroom, with Anjali behind them. Asher sat Taylor on the toilet seat and began running the tub.

  "I'm going to start and bath for you sweetheart" Reassured Asher.

   Asher turned around and took a glance at the sad little girl sitting behind him. She still has tears running down her face, with soft hiccups coming from her mouth, which had her thumb in it.

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