Why won't you eat?

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—————————Taylor POV————————

I sit on the rug of Asher's apartment with my knees up to my chest. These past few hours have been so strange. This Asher guy is weird, he keeps bossing me around like a child. I also feel humiliated, just an hour ago I was sobbing in this guy's arms. I didn't mean to, but the loud noise scared me too much. Loud noises are my worst fear, it makes me feel small and defenseless.

Asher kept showing me things from my childhood, like the sippy cup, movie, and blocks. Everything. I hate it. I hate being treated like a child. I barely know what it's like to be a kid since I was forced to grow up at 7. Even toddlerhood was taken from me, and all these childish things Asher is exposing me to are just reminding me of that.

    I'm also annoyed that I was forced to drink water. I often avoid drinking water for fear of gaining weight.

    I feel the floor vibrate as footsteps come near me. I keep my face buried in my knees.

    "Taylor, are you okay," Asher asks rubbing my knee. I lift my head, startled by the sudden contact.

   "I-I'm fine" I nervously stutter, a bit scattered from being pulled from my deep thoughts.

    "I made you some lunch" Asher smiles, making the dimples by his mouth visible.

     Shit!! I thought. How am I going to get myself out of this one? I can't eat! I just had water, and I ate a slice of cheese yesterday. I should be on a 24-hour fast right now! How am I going to avoid speaking about this to Asher?

   "Oh!" I exclaim surprised. "Thank you but... I'm not very hungry."

Asher gives me a sympathetic look and then sits down criss-cross next to me. "Well, when was the last time you ate." He questions further, resting his chin on his fist.

   "Umm," I stall anxiously. "Last night?" I lie, less convincingly than I planned.

"LAST NIGHT!?!" Asher shouts, sitting up straight.

I flinch at the noise. His face looked mad, and his body language was tense. I knew what would happen next. I quickly curl up into a ball, making sure to protect my head.

"PLEASE!! I sob. "Please don't hurt me!!"

There was a few seconds of stillness until I felt a pair of strong arms lift me into their lap. I try to push away, how Asher was too strong. He rocked my back and forward while rubbing circles on my back.

"Your safe" Asher whispers into my ear.

There's that word again "safe." I hate the word safe. I'm never safe. Everyone in this world is completely helpless. Not one soul has any true control over this word. How and why would someone keep me safe, what's in it for them?

After a few minutes of rocking, Asher stands up with me in his arms. He walks over to the kitchen table and sets me down on a chair. Lying on the table in front of me was a pink hello kitty plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. There was also the same sippy cup I drank out of earlier, but now with apple juice in it.

Asher takes a seat right next to me and begins eating his sandwich. I sit and stare at my lap. Thinking of different ways to get out of this situation.

Asher glances over at my untouched sandwich. He sets down his sandwich and gives me a stern look.

    "Taylor, why aren't you eating your sandwich?" Asher sought.

     "I told you I'm not hungry" I snapped.

   "Well, you're going to eat." He confidently spoke.

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