The calm before the storm

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At 8:40 Taylor begins to stir. She slowly blinks her teary eyes open. Her whole body was warm from the morning sun projecting onto her bare legs. The soft hoots from the morning doves outside the apartment window helped her gain a conscience.

Her thumb was loosely bobbing in her mouth and her blankets were kicked off her body. It was then she felt the icky weight of the wet pull-up sagging from her lower region. It was so very full and on the edge of bursting.

Taylor groaned and sat up on the guest bed. She slowly crawled down and walked towards the white dress resting by a near wall. She knew getting dressed without Asher's permission was against the rules, but she honestly didn't care.

After picking pit some clothes, she darted to the bathroom right a crossed from her room. Taylor went about her normal morning routine of showering, brushing her teeth (with an unopened toothbrush of course) and hair, and finally getting dressed.
The outfit ↓

------------------------------------------------------   She picked out the most mature outfit she could find, with of course, a pair of underwear

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She picked out the most mature outfit she could find, with of course, a pair of underwear. She was aware that Asher would be mad if he found out she wasn't wearing a pull-up, but there was also a chance he wouldn't find out. It was worth the risk in her eyes.

   Once finished, Taylor made her way downstairs where she assumed she would find asher. Every step she took felt off, she felt off balance and shaky. It was a side effect of not eating.

   When Taylor crept into the living room, she was met with the site of Asher making breakfast. He was wearing a light blue hoodie with black jeans. Whilst baking what appeared to be muffins, he was also blasting some sorta rap music.
Asher ↓


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     When he heard Taylor's footsteps his eyes lit up. "Taylor!!" He greeted walking over to her. "Good morning, how are you feel-" Asher paused and examined Taylor's appearance. "Sweety, you know you're not allowed to get ready by yourself."

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