The rescue

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  Anjali!?! How did he find me here!?

Anjali looked at me with distressed wandering eyes. "OH MY GOSH!! ARE YOU HURT?! WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU!?! WHY ARE YOU AT THIS CRUMMY PLACE!?!" Anjali questioned.

   I didn't answer any of the man's questions. I lay in my drenched clothes on the cold hard floor panting. I was already having trouble breathing, but all this stress was making it harder and harder to breathe.

   "Taylor?" Anjali asked in a pressing matter.

   After not responding a second time Anjali picks me up into his strong arms, and carries me bridal style out of the building. I hope he doesn't notice my wet clothing. 

    Anjali sets me in the back seat of his red sports car parked in front of my apartment complex. That's when it hit me, we're was this man taking me?

   "A-Anjali" I make out in a shallow breath. He snaps my seat belt in place and then makes eye contact with me. "W-where are you t-taking m-me" I stutter. My speech was sorta slurred and shaky because I was very cold, scared, and still in sorta flight or flight mode. I wasn't completely terrified anymore though. My landlord has done stuff like this to me before.

    "I'm taking you back you Asher's place baby" Anjali stated whilst getting into the driver's seat.

   Shit!! I can't go back there!! First of all, Asher will probably kill me. Second of all, I'm WAY too embarrassed to face him.

   "Um, it's okay, you don't have to. M-my a- apartment is in the c-complex we were just I-in" I shakily spit out.

  "Your parents live here," He asked with a hint of confusion.

    "Y-ya" I lie.

    Anjali turns around and gives me a questioning stare, raising an eyebrow. That's when I lose it. This day has just been a complete roller coaster, and now this!! This is the final straw.

   I put my head in my hands and let out a loud sob. I began to have a full meltdown in Asher's friend's car. It was quite embarrassing, but I don't care that much.

    I felt Anjali reach over to rub my bare knee. He soothed and hushed me for a few minutes until I calmed down a bit. After my sobs turned into light tears with hiccups, Anjali drives off.

   While sitting in the car Anjali makes a call to Asher telling him that we're safe and heading that way. Apparently, Asher and Anjali were searching for me for quite a while.

   After 10ish minutes, we arrived at Asher's apartment. Anjali gets out of the car and comes over to my door. He unbuckles my belt and lifts me onto his hip so my head is lying on his shoulder. I would usually fight this, but I was way too tired, and still slightly out of breath.

   We took the elevator up to Asher's room and knocked on the apartment door. The door was almost immediately opened by a panicked asher.

   "TAYLOR!!" Asher cheered with delight. He took me out of Anjali's hands like I weighed nothing, and span around with me in his arms.

   "Thank you Anjali!! I will never be able to thank you enough!!" Asher voiced with much gratitude.

  "No problem asher, I'm just glad she's safe" expressed Anjali.

     They both walked inside the apartment, with me still being held by asher, and sat on the sectional sofa. I lie limp on Asher's lap. After running many miles, being pushed to the ground, and having a meltdown, I was exhausted.
-------------------ASHER POV--------------------

    I felt very emotional having Taylor sit on my lap. I can't believe she just ran off like that. I don't even know where Anjali found her. I don't know how far she ran. I needed answers.

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