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Knock knock

  Anjali was here.

Asher rose from the couch and opened the door to his concerned friend who was carrying two boxes of pizza.

"Asher! You good bro?" Anjali entered the kitchen, setting down the pizza and giving Asher a tight hug.

Asher chuckled "Don't worry I'm doing better, the whole situation was just a bit of a shock that's all." pulling away and giving Anjalis back a quick pat.

"Well, of course, you'll have to tell me later." his eyes scanned the room "Where's blondie?"

"On the couch with Lucas, the two have been getting along quite well today, it's adorable." Looking over at the two who adorably sat watching Frozen.

Lucas would probably have fled the country a few days ago if one of his mates saw him watching Frozen. But right now, sitting on Asher's couch under a fuzzy blanket was all he needed.

"Can you maybe pause the movie and get those two to come over for dinner" Asher pulls out some dishes from the kitchen cabinet to set the table.

"No problem!"

Anjali exits the room and enters the living area where she sees Taylor snuggled up on the sofa with her blanket and pacifier. He almost coos at the sight of her. Taylor's behavior grows his curiosity if she has regressed since he last saw her.

"Hey, you two! Ash is setting the table for dinner. How about we pause this and go get some food?" Anjali finds the remote to pause the film.

Lucas gets up and heads to the table. But Taylor stays put.

Anjali smiles "Well hello Angel! You ready for some yummy food!" picking the girl up who seems extremely uncomfortable and stiff. Whining and drooling around her paci.

Anjali's brows furrow "You alright Tay?" bouncing her a bit.

He carried her out to the table where Asher was now setting up Taylor's highchair.

"Hey Asher, you think Taylor's okay? She seems very uncomfortable."

Asher quickly swung his head back to the duo. Taylor was fisting Anjali's shirt and grinding the nip of her wubby between her teeth.

It was strange but at that moment, Asher truly began to see how far Taylor had regressed in just a singular day. The way she clung to Anjali, she has stopped fighting, and maybe has allowed herself to let down her guard. At least let it down for Asher.

"You okay babes, what's wrong, hm? transferring Taylor into his arms.

Taylor rocked a bit seeming to be internally panicking. But the way she tried to squeeze her legs together gave Asher a good enough idea.

  He brought Taylor over to her highchair and strapped her in. "Just let go princess, it's been too long since you've wet your diapey you're gonna get an infection." Asher tries to encourage her very softly, pulling the slobberly pacifier from her lips.

  Taylor fiddles with her highchair straps as Asher goes and gets her meal. She knows she will have to let go eventually, Asher won't let her step foot in a bathroom. But for some reason every time she's expected to use her diaper it surprises her.

She's become so accustomed to everything she was before so appalled of  (besides the diaper) It's a strange fog that's gone over her. She feels lost in the haze, and Asher seems to be her only way out.

A plate of pizza is placed on her table as well as some juice. Asher sits right by her side, eating and socializing with the others.

Taylor stares at the food with zero interest, pushing it away from her and burying her head in her folded arms.

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