Hold me

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    Hushed sounds of Taylor's sleepy groans could be heard from the nursery. It has been about  2 hours since Taylor has been put down from her nap.

  She kicked her legs outwards to stretch before opening her large droopy eyes. She held them open while she examines the surrounding area.

It took Taylor a few seconds for her to process where she was at first, but the bars surrounding the area gave her a pretty good hint.

   Her pacifier was still slowly bobbing in her mouth, and the sticky feeling in her lower region was starting to make her very uncomfortable. She sat up and brought her hand to check herself. Sure enough, she was wet.

  Tears welled in her eyes as she realized her faith. There was no way she was gonna be changed by Asher again.

   She stood up gripping the top of the cribs railing. Slowly, she jumped, using her arms the pull herself up on the railing. Taylor flung a leg over, preparing to land. She tried to shift her Weight to a singular side when she lost her balance.

   With a blink of an eye, she tumbled off the railing and down to the floor with a large crash.  Taylor winced at the pain and noise of the load impact.

  Her upper thigh was wounded, having a large irritated section with lots of scratches, and some bleeding.

   As if on cue, Asher came dashing into the room. "Oh my gosh, Taylor!!!"

   He scooped her up and into his arms, frantically examining her body for injuries. "Okay, baby where does it hurt."

   Taylor pointed down at her thigh, not wanting the speak and have to remove her pacifier. But the many tears falling from her eyes and seeping into her cheeks spoke for her

  "Shh, it's gonna be okay. Let's take you to the bathroom and get you all cleaned up," he spoke in a gentle demeanor.

   Asher took her to the closest bathroom, which happened to be his. It smelled of stone masculine perfume, as well as countless hair products. He set her bare thighs on the cold granite could counters before unbuttoning the bottom straps of her onesie and pulling it up to her stomach, to get a better view of her thigh.

  Taylor blushed at the embarrassment of having absolutely nothing covering her very wet diaper.

  Asher returned from the bathroom cupboard with a bandaid and Neosporin. "Okay sweetheart I'm going to put some medicine on your ouchy, your gonna need to be very still alright."

  "Nwo" she whined through her pacifier.

  "I promise it won't hurt."

  Taylor hates when people say that. Adults always promise her that it won't hurt. They always promise her she'll be safe, happy, and comfortable. They never tell the truth, she always gets hurt in the end.

  Asher put some medicine on his fingers and leaned down to apply it to the cut. Taylor didn't let him, she moved away the moment he brought it to her legs.

  He sighed, wiping to medicine on a paper towel. "Alright, Taylor I'm going to call in Anjali."

As said, Anjali came trailing behind Asher in a matter of a few minutes.

"Aww, hey angel! How was your nap?" Anjali asked in a babyish tone.

Taylor shook her head, in no mood to speak.

"Sorry, she's a bit upset right now. Anyway, can you help hold Taylor still while I clean her ouches?"

"Sure!" Anjali agreed.

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