The Diagnosis

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"W-what's that?" Asher was lost and overwhelmed by the room's sudden energy. Nurses grabbing things and doctors spitting out orders.

"Well cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that affects a person's organs, but primarily the lungs" Dr. Collin explains "I'm obviously not 100% sure, but a sweat test seems like a necessary precaution."

Asher is now on his feet beside Taylor's hospital bed. "W-well if she does, what can we do to fix it?"

The doctor pauses, "If the test comes back positive we will discuss treatment plans to manage the illness, but there is no cure."

Asher's head drops and his mouth dries. He feels like a trader. He promised Taylor he would protect her. How does he protect her from herself?

"Taylor's life will... well it will need to be adjusted quite a bit. But we will cross that bridge when we get there." The doctor concludes as a nurse sets a hospital gown on Taylor's bed. "We will give you some privacy, get Taylor dressed in that and we will be back in a bit for the test."

And like that, they were gone again.

Asher trialed over to Taylor's bed and made quick work of stripping her of her clothes, but this time she didn't stay asleep.

Taylor groaned and peeled open her eyes, met with the sight of Asher hovering above her partly naked body. Though confused, the sight of Asher calmed her.

"C-cold" she barely made out a whisper.

Asher smiled down at his baby, "I know I know,"  pressing his lips to her forehead for a few seconds. "Dada's just getting you all dressed little one, you can go back to sleepy."
He tried to lull her back to sleep while he finished dressing her.

"He tried to lull her back to sleep while he finished dressing her

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"Nwo sleepyy" she slurred, frustrated and confused.

  She reached her tiny hand up to her nasal cannula and began to pull at the bizarre object.  

"Ah ah!" Asher grabs both her hands before they could cause any damage "Sleepy time, I'm right here darling shhh."

"N-nwo," she pathetically pleaded, too weak to lift her arm, but strong enough to slide her hand onto Ashers and squeeze it. Glossy eyes rolling in and out of consciousness. "Dada nwo lweave... please."

"I'm not leaving baby, dadas is right here, close your eyes darling."

Taylor still seemed extremely unsettled so Asher retrieved a pacifier from her diaper bag and popped it into her lips.

 Taylor still seemed extremely unsettled so Asher retrieved a pacifier from her diaper bag and popped it into her lips

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