Your dead mf

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—————————-Asher pov————————
                    (⚠️language warning⚠️)

    "Im gonna fucking kill him" I spit under my breath whilst speeding towards Taylor's apartment.

When the stoplight hits red I slam my brakes. I quickly checked my glove box to make sure my pistol was there. I had hardly any information on this landlord guy, but I still want to be prepared.

When the light goes green I continue at my speed of 85mph. I took back roads so I wouldn't run into anyone. Or get in trouble with the cops.

   I catch the daunting black shadow of the rusted apartment building right before the sun brings it to light. The complex is two stories. The roof has patches of holes and the odd broken window. The crumbling wooden slabs of the whole exterior were painted with a muted beige.

   I parked my car, grabbed my pistol, and ventured into the deserted parking lot. The parking lot was littered with plastic bags and empty water bottles. The lighting was eerie and dark because of the shadow from the taller building surrounding it.

   I strolled into the lobby with my gun behind my back, ready to kill. The lobby was fumed with a moldy scent. It contained sandy carpeted floors corresponding to the crumbling walls. There was an empty vending machine near the large wooden front desk.

    I slowly wander the dark lobby. Noticing items more than a few inches away was near impossible because of the darkness.

   Whilst walking I get a sudden sense. I feel dangered, unwelcomed. I feel like... Someone's behind me.

   I quickly turned around with my finger on the trigger of the firearm. I feel my handgun hit someone, followed by a groan of pain. I stick my gun in my pocket and then punch the figure in the face. I hear I thump indicating the figure was down. I get to the ground and grab the person by the shirt. I straddle on top of the limp body and beat it a few more times before speaking.

    "WHO ARE YOU!!" I shout with pure rage in my voice. "ANSWER ME!!" I wait a few seconds before the person speaks.

   "I-Im To-Todd" the injured voice groaned in pain.

   I took a lighter from my back pocket and lit it. Now I could finally see the man I'm sitting on. He was a larger dude, about 6foot and 250-300 pounds. He had a white long beard with sideburns up to his white receding hair. His nose was crooked and dripping thick red blood. He had a few bloody gashes on his head as well. All in all, he was pretty beat up.


    "I work here, I'm the landlord/manager" todd's raspy voice spoke.

    Knowing I found the guy I was looking for I gave him another punch in the chest. "What's your relationship with Taylor!?!" I question gripping his shirt even tighter.

    "What? How do you know about Taylor? How do you know she lives here?!?"

    I pull him up by the shirt and slam him back into the ground resulting in a gash in the back of his head.

    "I SAID WHAT'S YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH TAYLOR!?!" I repeat, this time with more aggression.


    I pull the pistol out of my pocket and load it, Then I press it to his head. "FUCKING ANSWER ME OR YOUR DEAD!!!"

   Todd's eyes bugled out of his head before he quickly began speaking. "Okay okay, I'll talk. Approximately a year ago Taylor came to this complex looking for a place to stay. She said she would stay anywhere, a one-roomed apartment, one with bugs, loud machines, and bad smells. Heck, she even said she'd sleep in a storage closet. I noticed that Taylor looked pretty young, she looked around 8 years old. Not to mention she was a stick, the skinniest child I ever have seen. I asked her for an ID, which she didn't have. Then I asked how old she was. She eventually admitted that she was 13 and had no money, but she desperately needed a place to stay. So... I made a deal"

   A sinister smirk appeared on Todd's face as he continued the story. "I told Taylor that if she will be my sexual partner I'd let her stay here for free. Not having anywhere else to go, Taylor agreed. So ya, being the nice person I am, I let her stay here for free, and all she has to do in return is have sex with me. Lately, she's been a bitch about it. She keeps saying she doesn't want to have sex. Most of the time I have to force her to do it with me, and if she is still being a bitch ill end up beating her little ass. She can be so whiny sometimes like oh my g-"

   Before Todd could finish I stabbed him in the leg with my pocket knife. The carpet turned red with his blood but I didn't even care. All I saw was red. I don't think this guy realizes how close I am to killing him. I honestly didn't realize how evil a little fucker can be. It is taking all I have not to put a bullet through his fucking head. Instead, I stabbed him in the leg. I want that ugly fat piece of shit to bleed out slowly. I want that Fucker to be down in his blood and tears.

     Having enough information on Taylor I walk out of the lobby. Before leaving the property I make I call my friend Zane. He's part of a gang and easily knows how to clean up a crime scene.

     I was driving back to my apartment after sorting everything out. It was getting close to noon and I needed to see Taylor.

   Sure I found out some stuff about Taylor, but there are still so many unknowns. Why did Taylor run away? Why didn't she tell anyone about her situation? How long was she homeless before she got her apartment? The only person I can get those answers from is Taylor herself.

   Whilst driving I was also thinking a lot about Taylor's future. I know I should call child services, but I can't bring myself to. Taylor is so troubled, I don't know if her new family would treat her right.

   I'm also contemplating how to care for her at my house. She's not like other 14-year-olds who have stayed at my house, she's very different. She has so many regressive behaviors, so many I can hardly keep track anymore. I think that whatever trauma she is going through, is causing her to involuntary regress into some sorta little space. Still doesn't make complete sense though. Littles slip in and out of their headspace, when they're out of their headspace they don't have regressive behaviors. Taylor obviously isn't in a headspace, but she still has regressive behaviors.

   I'm starting to think that Taylors not reggressing because she's a little. She's reggressing because she is she's so neglected, she never had a childhood. She never has anyone to transition her out of babyhood. So she's going to act like a baby because she can't help it, her brain still sorta is a baby.

    When I get home I'm going to have to sort out a lot of stuff. First I'm going to have to fix Taylor's bedwetting problem. I would like to just put her in diapers at night, but it's not going to be easy. I also going to have to solve the thumb-sucking issue. That will be a bit easier, I'll just have to get her a pacifier or teething ring.

   There are also smaller things I need to solve, such as her not sitting properly in cars, she's so tiny that I think a car seat wouldn't be a bad idea.

    Taylor's going to take lots of attention and patients, but if I care for her right, I think I'll be able to bring her to great health again.

  I hope...

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