15 | nate

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Sam hasn't replied to the text yet and I was so relieved that we found him. But finding him came with a cost.


My head was swarming with thoughts and how he begged me to stay and told me no one had to know.

"I didn't like him. I didn't like him. I DONT like him." I whispered, gripping my steering wheel, "because you know why, Nate. You have a beautiful boy who has a crush on you."

I took a left, almost hitting a tourist, "fucking tourists," I muttered under my breath, "God, what am I going to do?"

I pulled into a parking spot which took me fifteen minutes to find, and staggered out of the car.

"NATE?!" A girl screamed, speed-walking towards me, "can I have a picture?"

I bit my lip, "of course."

I tilted my head down to get in her selfie and smiled as she took it. I stole a quick peck on her cheek and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you for all your support, babe," I smiled down at the short girl who had tears in her eyes. "You mean the world to me, Princess."

"You mean the world to me, too." She held my index finger with her's, "thank you for being so nice."

"It was lovely meeting you," I hugged her again, "but I have to go, love you!"

"Love you too!" She called after me as I crossed the street.

* *

Sam showed up almost an hour late, which I found weird because he's never late. Never.

"Hey," Sam muttered to me as he pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Hey?" I looked up, "hey, is all you're going to say to me after almost seventeen hours of you being missing?"

He cocked his eyebrow, "I wasn't missing. I was taking my time to relax and get things off my mind."

"You didn't even tell anyone you were okay," I pressed, "do you even know how worried an scared I was?"

"Why didn't you look for me?" He whispered.

"I did. How the hell was I supposed to know where you were?"

Sam shook his head, "remember that night that we spent under the stars in the forest? In the lawn chairs? Remember what I said about how my mind worked?"

I bit my straw as I tried to think back through my memories. He said he liked jeeps, sunsets, his dog Ozzy, and what else? I furrowed my eyebrows as I filed through my brain.

"Holy shit," I whispered, "you said you always go to the park when you're thinking and you don't come back until you're calm."

"Bingo," he said dragging out the 'o'. "That was me who said that Mr. I run into coffee tables at the age of four and give myself scars."

"Okay that was when I was FOUR," I muttered, "I didn't even know better. I just did it."

"What did you do when you found it I was so called missing?"

"I looked everywhere I could possibly think of besides the park," I smiled at his smile, "because now I feel really stupid."

"You shouldn't." Was all he said as he laid his head down on the table, "I haven't slept in almost two and a half days and I met this boy at the park."

My head snapped up at the 'boy' part, "a boy?"

"Yes, his name was Dillon Rupp. He was really nice and actually kind of cute."

I felt the jealously pour into my bloodstream, "Dillon Rupp? I have never heard of him before."

"I think he works at a business downtown because he said he was late for something. I don't know, I was intrigued."

Intrigued, I thought but it's not me.

* *

authors note

it's kind of short sorry

i started a new story called "him" and it would mean the world to me if you checked it out!!!!

luv u all!!!

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