10 | nate

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authors note: wanted to do a lil something off sam's snapchat story but in nate's point of view. if u don't have sam's snapchat or u read this late it's basically all of them in a car, listening to music and driving to malibu beach in the middle of the night. sorry for the long authors note and it's at the beginning!!!

* *

I rested my head against the window with comfort and sighed in content. Cameron was driving, Johnson in the passenger seat, and Gilinsky, Nash, and I in the back.

As the music pounded loudly in the car I watched Gilinsky. His eyes glued on the blonde boy in the passenger seat.

I leaned in, "you really like him, don't you?"

Jack noticeably jumped, "jesus, Nate, you scared me. And, yeah, I love him a lot."

"How do you know?"

"Know what?" Jack glanced at me with a confused look.

"You love him."

Jack's eyebrows knitted as he tried to think of a response, "I know I love him because there is no one I would rather be with. Like, I would rather bang him rather than Beyoncé."

"What is it with you guys and Beyoncé?" Nash jumped into our conversation (rude).

"Beyoncé is hot as hell." I shrugged, shooing Nash back off and unto his phone.

"Anyways," Jack shrugged, "I just know he's the one. My heart swells when I see him. I would do anything to see that boy smile. Loving him is so reckless and dangerous and holy hell I wouldn't trade it for anything."

Reckless and dangerous. That was something Sammy was not.

"What if they're not reckless and dangerous?" I said the words before I even knew they were coming out of my mouth.

"Didn't say they had to be," Jack looked over at me, "why do you ask?"

I shrugged, "I dunno."

Then Nash said something that made me want to tuck and roll out of the car.

"What do you do when you love a tan skinned boy with the funniest laugh in the world and dark brown hair and the loveliest brown eyes and he can go from sexy to ugly in approximately point two seconds?"

Cam almost wrecked the car.

* *

He was the love of my life and it kills me I can't have him. I sat on the sand next to Jack.

I looked at the blonde hair boy, "you okay?"

"Yep," he nodded and looked back over at me. "How about you?"

"Nope," I laughed, shaking my head, "fucked something up pretty bad."

"With Samm-"

"Just call him Sam," I cut him off with a smirk, "only I call him Sammy."

"Okay," Jack rolled his eyes, "how long is this one going to last?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped at the boy, growing more impatient.

"You know you and your flings or whatever the hell you want to call them," he snapped right back just as violent.

"Where the fuck did you get your damn temper? Gilinsky?" I clenched my fists, "I'm done fucking around with groupies."

"That's the biggest fucking lie, like ever," Johnson was on his feet backing up, "just so you know, Sam told me about last night."

"What the hell?" I snapped, and was on my feet in one second flat. "Why is he such a jealous fuck?"

"Stop fucking leading people on!" Johnson was now screaming at me, gripping his own shirt preventing himself from doing anything. "It fucking hurts! Do not lead that boy on and leave him!"

"It's my life, fuck off," I growled, spinning on my heel and grabbing a cigarette out of my pocket to go smoke in the parking lot.

I pulled out my phone on the way to the parking lot and typed in the text quickly as I drug the cigarette in my other hand.


'ur friends are assholes'

I sent it and smirked and went on twitter.

"@SkateMaloley: done fucking around with people. especially u, innocent fuckboy."

Before I could even stop myself, it was sent. I hit the back my head on the car hood and winced. I smoked the cigarette and watched the stars.

"Dude, what the fuck?" I heard the familiar voice.

"Seriously, fuck off, I'm not in the mood for any of your shitty antics."

He stepped toward me, brown eyes flashing with anger, "well you can't fucking yell at my boyfriend and not expect me to do something about it."

"Yeah, I fucking dare you," I snorted, throwing the finished cigarette to the ground. "because you out of all people are going to punch me."

All I saw was his hand move and the pain shoot down my jaw.

"Dude what the fuck?" I snarled, gripping my jaw tightly.

"Nate, don't," Johnson appeared out of nowhere, gripping Jack's wrist and shoving me back.

"Tell your crazy ass boyfriend that," I held my jaw tightly and backed up, "he punched me in the fucking face if you didn't catch that."

I brushed by them and went to find Cameron and Nash to tell them that, yes, we were going home.

I found them - oh how nice, they're making out - and demanded Cam to drive us home.

Cameron sighed as he saw me gripping my jaw and nodded, "let's go then."

The ride home was silent and Gilinsky was now sitting in the front seat. I sighed heavily and rested my head on the window.

Then I remembered I had to go to the studio the next day.

And the studio meant one thing.

My Sammy.

* *


what. the. hell.

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luv u all!!!!

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