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"no that's not happening"
Jungkook looked back as tae said that. His eyes stood blank. Jungkook could not read what his eyes are portraying.

Taehyungs soul was no longer inside him. All hopes and all wishes died down the second jungkook declared openly that he preferred to have his child over him.
How could jungkook say that so easily? Just a second ago he was begging him to stay but as soon as he asked to choose; he chooses his child. indirectly jungkook chooses to stay with aena and his child.

His whole body stumbled at the thought of jungkook living happily with his family. They will make a beautiful couple and who he is to say otherwise after all jungkook himself said he doesn't love him the way he does.
Yeh, nobody would be able to love a person in just days. Yeah, jungkook loves him and no one can say otherwise. His love is almost unreal but tae just really doesn't like how easily he decided to leave him. How easily jungkook said he don't have feelings for him. Just how easily he makes him feel guilty about all he has done and said. Tae almost feels disgusted for wanting jungkook all for himself when he has a pregnant omega to take care of.

Tae looked up and notices aena looking at him with eyes that stand for mercy. She almost looked like she is getting killed inside only at the thought of killing her unborn. He doesn't blame her. If he would stand in her place, he would have been feeling the same. Tae doesn't like her no. But she never gives a reason for tae to hate her. She never touched jungkook first, she never spoke up in her defense. She acts like she knows she is wrong.

Tae forgives her the second he saw her maintaining her distance from the true blood. He knows it's not some shitty book where always a third someone will be all evil. Aena is just like one of those victims or a third lead that was never wrong in their place but earns all kinds of hate and disgust. No matter what she does and how she does it, just because she is in touch with jungkook; all will hate her and he himself is one of them. Isn't this world a little too harsh on people who are just like aena, a third lead?

"no!!! Why would you want to do this aena? I will never let this happen to my child"
Jungkook said as he jerk her hand away who just bite her lips instead.

"that is your problem jungkook, this baby is not just your child"
Aena screams as the room becomes silent.
"it's my child too!!!!! I have rights on him too!!!!"

"ever since you found out that I am pregnant. You are carrying me around with you as if you don't trust me with your child. It's my child jungkook it's mine too. don't fucking decide on your own"
She screamed as jungkook looked at her with the same fire in his eyes.

"I understand that it's your child but you don't fuking say that you want to kill them even before they got to see the sunlight"
Jungkook spats. He never wanted this child but that doesn't mean he will let it be killed.
"This child has nothing to do with my mistakes. He has done nothing to deserve to die"

"fine then you have two choices jungkook. First, let me get an abortion or..."
She sighed as she looks how furious jungkook get after hearing this but continued

"Let me move away from you and your mate... Let me take care of my child on my own"

Jungkook looked at her with confused eyes, he doesn't know what she is trying to imply by moving away.

" jungkook I want you to let me be on my own. I want to be alone jungkook... I don't need you to stand by my side to take care of this child... That is why I never talked to you about this, that is why I wanted to resign but you found out by my smell this morning that I am pregnant and made me believe that you will be my side and I am so in love with you too reject your request"

"jungkook I get so selfish that I never even thought once about your mate. Only I know how much you have tried to resist touching me in your every rut. I know how disgusted you have felt in your own flesh after touching me. This is all just for your unnamed mate... For someone, you never even believe you will find. And now after this all, you just want to let go of your mate that easily!??? No jungkook that's not happening.

If you want this child to live then let me go and give me your words that you will never...never try to find me or my child. You will not have anything to do with us after I leave this house"

Tae looked at her surprised, she is ready to leave her child's father and the love of her life just like that, why!??

" don't you love him!?"
Tae looked at her and she did the same smiling sadly.

" yes I do but he doesn't. I know from the very start that he will never love me back but still, I agreed to sleep with him. There were so many people to stop me but I never did. I was so in love with him that I never even attempt to find my own mate... And love is not love when you fight to have their love back. Love is love when you fight for them, for their happiness... And I know he will never be happy with me"
Tae looked at her amused as this was not what he was expecting from her but guess what he is also like this society who hated her just because of his selfishness.

"This all is bullshit aena, how will you take care of a child all alone. You know how this world treats a single unmated mother. This world will not let you and my child live peacefully... You are not that strong to rise a child all alone... No one is aena. And this new life inside of you deserves a father too. I am not going to say yes to this. I will not let my child suffer just because I wanted to live with my love"

Taehyung looked at jungkook like he is somewhat proud. He doesn't just grab the opportunity to get rid of this child and live his life happily ever after instead, he chooses to be a human. Maybe that is the cue he has to let go of jungkook.
For jungkook, for this child's future, and most importantly... For Himself.

"you think I am not strong jungkook, ... I have seen you walk out of the room after you finished a million times. I have seen you lounging for your mate. I have seen my love sleeping with thousand others. If that's not being strong then what is!???.....
I can take care of my child alone jungkook and I want this. I want you to finally be happy and settle down in your life jungkook"
Aena and jungkook made eye contact and tae looked down. This is still painfully hard to watch them and hear things that he never wished to be heard.


"for God's sake stop protesting jungkook. If you don't want me to take care of this child independently then let me have a fuking abortion. I am confident that us living together will make all of our lives hell. Let go of me jungkook"
Aena screams as she cried. She knows jungkook will never love her the way she does. It's better to let him go.

"I have loved you jungkook and I still do... A lot. Even tho this child is a mistake for this entire world and you too... This child is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life.
Just the thought of having a little jungkook running around me makes me overwhelmed. I have gained a lot from you jungkook. This child is all that I could ever ask from you. Now it's done jungkook. You have given me the most precious gift and I would take care of it even if it takes my life"
Aena smiled while crying as she put her hands on her belly.

" give me one thing jungkook just one, let go of us jungkook. Let us be happy. Let me forget you, let me move on... Please"

Jungkook looked at her. He doesn't
know why but he felt like he should let her be. He still feels responsible for his mistakes but if she wants to be alone he will let her.
"only if you promise to look for your mate. Assure me that you and our child will be happy even without me "

Aena smiled as she chuckled,
" I will look for my mate and we will be happy without your coconut head around us"

Jungkook laughed as he take her in his arms and aena bite her lips to prevent herself from crying.
" I am sorry that I am not able to love you back, I am so sorry"

" Don't be, love doesn't happen on its own, and love is not all about being together it's all about their happiness, if you are I am happy too"
With that as her last words, she walked out of the doors and away from jungkooks life forever.

Love is not about being together... Love is about making them happy.

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