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Tae wiped his tears harshly as he looked at the knife he saw and his eyes shone with hope again. Hope to feel peace, hope to feel unguilty, hope to erase his loved ones' pain.

He is a pain.
'loving you is torture'
The sole sentence eco between his ears as more and more tears slipped through his already red eyes.

'it will not be torture anymore, yes tae do it. He will be happy, he will find someone else. You are the reason he has to leave his child. You are not worth it... You insult his love, you make him cry, and you made him choose. You are the reason he is here in this state '

Tae crawls near the object and grabs it from the sharp side. His soft skin immediately tears apart as fresh blood starts dripping out. Does it pain? No!! Tae felt a little relieved when he sees the blood coming out of his cuts and running down his long fingers and palm. He squeezes the object tighter as more and more blood comes out of his flesh, now dripping on the floor as he looked at it dizzily.

'you hurt people now hurt yourself, more do it more '

Jungkook was calming his raging heart down when he felt an unsettling feeling inside and he immediately looked behind. His heart stopped pumping for a second as he looked at tae who looked so dazed.


jungkook immediately crunch down as he snatched the sharp object from taehyung who cried out and tried reaching for it again.
"stop it taehyung!!! do even know what the fuck are you doing?? "

"give me that back, I wanna die... I am bad... I don't deserve to live"
Tae said as he cried more and more. His hand dripped with blood. And that's when jungkook noticed all the other cuts in taes body. His legs sacking uncontrollably. There was some dried blood on his forehead above his right eye. His hair was in a mess, and his whole body was drenched in sweat and mud. His foot paws were scratched and ruf. Jungkook looked at tae and his eyes moist again.

" fuck taehyung!! Did you run here??"

The omega was looking like he don't even hear what jungkook was saying as he was constantly trying to catch the knife out of his hand.
"give me that please, you will be happy"

" nonsense taehyung did even hear what I said "
Jungkook said as he throw the knife away and pull the omega's body over his lap as he tightly held his waist.
"I said I love you... A person who loves you will never want you dead to be happy. Damn it taehyung what makes you think I will be happy if you were not around, it's torture"

"Look at me when I am talking to you taehyung!!!"
Jungkook warned as the younger kept looking at the knife.

Jungkook was sure tae is having a panic attack. He had handled a lot of people in past and it doesn't take him much time to realize the younger is going through one.


Tae snapped his head towards him and looked at him with his big almond eyes, all glossy and teary.
"my baby, my little life. You don't have any idea how much you mean to me. You are someone who gave me a reason to breathe. A reason to look for tomorrow. Someone I thought I will never have. I lost all hope for love tae, I was dead inside, cold and rude."

"you know why I call you an angel?? Because you are one for me tae. You come into my life and make it more lovingly. You give me life. You come and make me feel things I was waiting for years to feel."

"you come and give me a heart, a happy soul. Yes, You made me cry but that doesn't mean I want you away honey, never. "
Jungkook kissed his head and smiled as he sees tae slowly coming out of his trance.
"let's clean your wounds, should we!!"

Tae just blankly looked at him and jungkook sighed as he stand up with tae In his arms and went out and into a small bathroom he has here.

He made tae seat on a stool as he open the cupboard and take out the medicines he always has there for himself as he hurt himself a lot during his alone ruts.

Taes eyes followed his every action like one blink away and he will fade.

"see what have you done to your body angel, so bad of you to do it"
Jungkook scolds in the tiniest way possible as he doesn't want to trigger the younger and raise his anxiety more.

Jungkook is still angry and heartbroken. He just doesn't want his love to be in this condition. He knows that he is the reason for all this. An omega could never run this much and this too in just one hour. Oh, he didn't even know an omega can do that till now. He doesn't know how this gets possible but he is glad the omega is not passed out.

He couldn't wipe off the image of his angel kissing someone other. It makes him feel like he lost his omega forever.

He sighed as he apply the ointment to the younger wounds. He picks up a towel and wet it as he rubs his body clean. The parts that were visible to him. He put the now red and brown colored fabric down as he held the ointment again and start working.

Tae looked at him and found himself mesmerized by the love he sees in the alpha's eyes,
'just how much you love me??'

Taes stomach ached to spill the truth. He wants to break his promise. It's now or never. He wants to try one last time to solve all the problems between them.

They love each other and it's ridiculous how they break away every time. Not again, this time tae himself will try his best to make them together if that means begging then tae is ready to do that.

Jungkook was fully focused on his work but snap his head up when he heard the omega.

"bogam is an omega"

"what the-- taehyung you are out of your mind."
Jungkook can't believe that tae is lying in front of his face.

"I am not lying ok if that's what you are thinking. He is an omega who has an alpha smell. I don't believe him either but he doesn't have any reason to lie"
Tae said.

"i-i..... Ok fine I believe that."
Jungkook knows for a fact that there are werewolves like this in this world and the way he knows tae, he would not lie in this situation.

"aren't you gonna ask why I kissed him??"

"Why would I?? We are not dating, we are not mates. I don't have any right to ask you about your personal life "

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