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"Can I meet......."

"mm I have to ask first, let me just make a call, please kindly wait for a little!!"
The receptionist tells with her same beautiful smile and tae nodded blankly.
He was so into his thoughts.

The moment he left jungkook he felt his chest tighten. Jungkook didn't cry or tell him to stop but the eyes... The damn eyes of the true brood made tae weak on his knees.

Tae stood heartbroken when jungkook refuse to believe in his love. He kind of expected jungkook to react like this. After humiliating him a thousand times what he can expect from the other?

Tae wants them to be together, for their hearts to finally find peace. For their wolf's to someday meet each other. Their bodies and soul to be one.

It's enough suffering for both of them... Enough guilt they have drowned in. It has been a fortune since their hearts are longing for each other, for each other's love and touch. They have been separated till now but not anymore. He needs his guilt to be gone... His insecurities and self-blame to be gone far away from him.

"excuse me, sir, you can meet them now. 12th floor, right side, second door... Next to the CEOs cabin"

The reception lady said as tae come out of his trance and nodded. Tae walked ahead and step inside the elevator. He presses the button to his destiny and sighed.

Tae looked at the white glass door in front of him and breath in sharply as he knocked. when he heard a faint come in, he open his mouth to puff in a large amount of air and blow it as he walked inside.

"Welcome!!! Kim taehyung"

The moment he went inside the soft yet strong voice echoed through the room. He looked up and see a familiar figure seating on a chair behind the clear shiny white table.

"I expected you to reach out to me sooner taehyung but well I am still happy you did come, have a seat please."

Tae nodded and take a seat in front of her as she smiled a little.
"so you still remember me ??"

"How can I forget you... aena"

"yeah I have a very bad impression on you"

"oh no don't say that"
Tae said hurriedly as he gulped. He comes here but now he doesn't have any idea how to ask her his silly questions.

"so I guess you finally decided to be with him"

Tae looked down in answer and aena smiled widely.
"Great decision!!!"

"why are you happy don't you think... Don't you love him? Don't you feel like he did bad while leaving you and your child?"
Tae asked as he looks at her happy expression.

"mm, why should I think like that when I am the one who asked to leave!!! He never left me tae I left him, and about my lovely baby girl... Then I decided to rise her on my own, he never said he will not do that"
She said as she looked at tae and smiled.

"why?? Why did you do that... For me? For our mate bond?? Why???"
Tae asked as he looked down in guilt, the only thing that hunts him at night. The reason behind her leaving his happy future with jungkook is just because of his and their mate's bond.

"no, I don't even think of you or your mate bond while asking this. Why would I do that when I don't even know you for gods name."
She laughed and tae looked at her confused.

"than for jungkook!!!???"

"well kind of, but the most I did it for myself. I know for sure that jungkook will never love me back tae. He will never look at me the way I did... The way I want. He will never touch me with the love and desire that I dream of. He will never be happy with me. I looked at him and see how desperate he was for you... For your love. He was so scared to lose you but still, he chooses to full fill his father's duties.

Even if I agreed to be with him and let my child have his shadow then it will not just ruin mine or his or yours but also my baby's life too. I am sure he would have given his whole word to his baby girl but do you think my princess will be happy to find out his father left his aged old love for her? Never tae. I never wanted to ruin my precious little life like this. "

She takes his hands and squeezes them tightly,
"I was the one who choose to leave tae. For my and my child's happiness. Not for anyone else. And I loved him there is no lie to it and that is why I am happy to see him with the person he was waiting for so... So long. It's not your fault tae that I left. Not jungkooks that I choose to be happy rather than depressed and regretful. stop taking the blame on yourself and your mate bond... They have nothing to do with my decision. Stop being regretful or guilty for something none of you had a part in."

Tae looked down as breath. His eyes were teary. He never thought he needed to hear this till now. The mare words of assurance made tae feel the emptiness inside that he was longing for so long.

"and you know what tae?? I am so glad I made that move... I am so proud of myself for doing something so hard but in the end it is all worth it"

Aena looked at photo in his desk as a beautiful smile made its way to her face.
"this man tae... This crazy man follow me everywhere when I first join the company, he never left my side even after knowing I was pregnant. He pored his whole love over me that I always wish to have. You know the day our daughter was born, this stone cried like he was the baby in room. He loves our daughter so much. You know he even say he don't want any more kids from me because than his attention will be divided and he don't want that... Crazy I know"
She chucked as she turn the frame towards tae.

There was a man in his mid thirties holding a few months old pup in his hands with the brightest smile in both of their faces as they don't seem to pay attention to the photographer. The photo speeks happiness.

"tae!! We are happy. She is happy. We don't want jungkook in our life. My doll don't need him. A real father is not the only person who can give care and love to a child... A person who fully expected them can give the child much more."
She looked at tae as she speeks.

"let go of the weight of her future from your shoulders tae. She will never even miss him. Will you know go to jungkook. Without any guilt. Without any pain??"

Tae smiled and nodes, he felt free as a huge weight lift up from his heart. Tears slipped down one by one as aena coed at the baby and went near him... Hugging him.
"he has waited a lot tae... You has waited enough. It's time for you to be one. His soul will be deing to feel you."

"I have done a mistake aena... A very huge mistake. I don't think he will forgive me that easily"
Tae looked down as she hugged her more.

"oh don't worry about that whipped bunny. Just give him some banana milk yehh and he will be running behind you. Jokes aside, he pours his heart over you tae. Yeh he can be sad or ignore you but he will never leave your side. Just try your best. And even if That coconut head don't forgive you than call aemy... She will make sure he better forgive you fast"
Aena said as she let go of the hug.

"who is aemy!?"

Aena laugh and wink at him.
"someone jungkook hates the most in this earth"
Both laugh as tae finely felt like he is free... Free from all the questions and constant blaming.

They both bid their good byes to each other as tae walked out feeling his old self back. He stepped out of the building smiling like a fool as he knows a great happy future is waiting ahead for him.

Every body has find there happy ending now it's time for them to have their happy ending.

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