𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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How It All Started


"DESPITE BEING THE FASTEST hedgehog alive, he's sure taking his sweet time..." Y/n mutters as she and her friends are currently in their battle stances, waiting for the blue hedgehog to arrive. "I'm sure he's on his way right now" Tails reassures, using his two tails to float next to her. "He better be, how long does it take to collect some rings anyway" Knuckles adds, using his fists to bump each other.

As if on cue, they hear the hedgehog zoom in, "Hey, guys! I made it!" Sonic exclaims. The crew turn to face him, annoyed, "You're late!" They all shout. At the sound of Sonic's voice, Eggman turns around, "Sonic!" he sneers. Sonic looks at Eggman almost smugly, "Eggman" He exclaims.

"Just in time to watch me claim the Paradox Prism and transform your disgustingly green world into something more...me." Eggman explains, a nefarious laughter escapes from his lips as the crystal reflected his menacing smirk.

Sonic jumps down and began to yawn loudly, "Yawn!" Sonic exclaims. The crew including Y/n jumps down behind Sonic, still in their battle stance, "Yep, I "yawned" you, Eggman" Sonic cockily adds. Eggman glares at them, growling angrily as he points to them, "Crush them all!" He angrily demands. A swarm of robots came flying towards them, with the crew splitting up to take each of them down.

With Sonic using his super speed to take down the robots. Knuckles using his fists to punch them. Rogue flying high then using her heel to land on the robots, causing them to break. Amy using her big hammer to slam them into pieces. Tails using his small invention to destroy the robots without even touching it. And Y/n raising her wrist as she uses her attached crossbow to aim at the few robots in front of her and shoots a couple of arrows toward them, hitting the robots as they shattered.

As Sonic was hitting the robots, a robot ambushed him, causing him to fly back and dropping a few rings. "Sonic!" Tails calls out as he flew towards him, grabbing the hedgehog. "Yo! Tails!" Sonic exclaims as he jumps off from his grasp, speeding towards Knuckles. "Knuckles! You okay, buddy?" He asks as the two were next to each other fighting off more robots. "Nothing flusters me, Sonic..." Knuckles responds, grabbing a robot and throwing it towards Sonic, who dodges easily, "...Except when you're late." He adds as he runs off.

Sonic's eyes lingered a bit, not noticing the worm robot coming closer to him, until Rogue kicks it away from him. "Thanks, Rogue!" Sonic exclaims, waving at the bat girl. "Don't mention it. Literally." Rogue sassily adds as she flies towards the other robots. He then spots Amy as she slammed a robot down with her hammer, shattering it in the process. As the robot's head flew, Amy stops it, only for a few birds to fly out. Sonic zooms in, leaning against the head as he calls out her name. "Sonic! Where have you been?" Amy asks the hedgehog. "Got a little sidetracked" He responds coolly. Hitting a few robots on the way and sending them towards Amy, who hits them with the hammer.

He then zoomed towards Y/n, still using her crossbow to fight as she also uses a few arrows to defend herself. "Surprise those haven't broken yet" Sonic jokes as he hits a few robots next to her. In which Y/n chuckles, "That's because they're not the ones I use for my crossbow." Y/n says as she then shoots another arrow towards the robot, shattering in the process, "Tails helped me invent some arrows specifically for self-defense." She explains as she uses the arrow to cut the robot in half. "Impressive!" Sonic complements, "So you and your boyfriend worked together on this, huh?" He teases.

Y/n's face flushes to a light pink as she then glares at Sonic, "You're really teasing about this now?! And besides, me and Tails aren't even dating!" Y/n exclaims. "Yet!" Sonic adds teasingly. Her face flushed a darker pink as she glares at the hedgehog.

As Y/n was about to add on, Eggman interrupts her, "Get that rock out of the ground!" He demands as a few robots began to drill the small rocks containing the shards. While the crew were busy with the robots still attacking them, the robots drilling the crystal out were going slow to his dismay, Eggman frustratedly holds onto his mustache, "Want something done, do it yourself..." He mutters as he jumps inside the giant robot and heads towards the shards.

Sonic speed towards Tails, who was still using his invention to shoot the robots around them, "Sonic, we don't know what the prism is capable of doing! Be careful" Tails warns. "If Eggman wants it, it can't be good!" Amy responds. Y/n nods in agreement, "Agreed. Don't let Eggman get a hold of it!" Y/n exclaims.

Sonic nods, "Got it!" He exclaims as he runs towards the crystal and Eggman. "Not this time, fool!" Eggman cackles as he uses the robot to try to get the crystal. As Y/n finishes the robots that were surrounding her, she looks at the scene, an uneasy feeling began to hit Y/n, "Something's wrong..." She mutters, "It's like Eggman wants him to--" Her eyes widened as she tries to catch up with Sonic, "Wait! Sonic, stop!"

Tails, also noticing, had his eyes widened as well, "Sonic, Wait!" Tails shouts. Eggman's smirk grew more as the crystal began to feel loose. Sonic furrows his brow as he runs faster. Y/n noticing how close to the crystal Sonic is, impulsively decided to try to push Sonic out of the way. Tails gasps as he sees her dangerous action, "Y/n! Get away from there!" Tails shouts.
However, it was too late. Before Sonic knew, his friends and Y/n were shouting at him,

"Sonic! No!"

Soon enough, Sonic alongside Y/n collided with the prism shard. Unknowingly to them, everything around them turned into slow motion as Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and Rogue all fall back, their visions beginning distorting. Using a bit of his strength left, Tails squints his eyes to try to find Y/n. Only to not find his crush and his best friend, "No..." he mutters fearfully.

And soon enough, everything turned black.


HOW ABOUT THAT! This may probably be my weakest chapter since I'm pretty much new to writing anything action-y like this, so if it's kinda crappy, I'm sorry about that, but hopefully it'll improve with time.

Also, for this story, I'm sorry if it wasn't described well, but this was pretty much Y/n's main weapon that she uses

Also, for this story, I'm sorry if it wasn't described well, but this was pretty much Y/n's main weapon that she uses

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Pretty much like Marcy Wu from 'Amphibia', which I'm basing her weapon from. The "self-defense arrows" That I mentioned are pretty much daggers constructed to look like arrows.

Anyway, hope that cleared up any weapon related questions placed and that's all! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and have and amazing day/night!

Published: 1/4/23

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