𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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-Shattered (Part four)-

Chapter Name:
\\ Nine \\


SONIC CONTINUED RUNNING, ALONG with Y/n who was right behind him. Y/n raises her wrist to try to aim at the two small, flying robots in front of Sonic, only to stop when she sees them getting away, disappearing into the crowd of mobians as they reached a subway. She clicks her tongue in annoyance, "Shoot." She mutters bitterly. She then sees Sonic on the subway platform, seeing him staring at his surroundings.

She jumps as she appears next to him, "A little warning would be nice" Y/n scolds still having a slight grudge as she crosses her arms and looks at Sonic, who was chuckling nervously, "All part of the plan?" He says, a nervous smile appearing on his face.

"Departing trainsport from Circle Station arriving at the scareport." The announcer states. Both friends took the time to look at the airport in awe, seeing as they've never seen this type of thing before. "This looks so strange" Y/n comments, she then felt a gust of wind towards her, only to realize it was the train. "The technology here is amazing..." Y/n adds, admiring the advanced technology around them, something she hasn't really caught on until now.

She hears Sonic sighs next to her, "Oh man, I could really use another familiar face right about now." Sonic stammers. As the two eyed the crowd, Sonic notices a very familiar fox walking from afar. "Tails?" He spoke up, smiling as he found his other best friend. Y/n immediately whips her head towards Sonic, "Tails? He's here? You better not be joking!" Y/n exclaims, trying to scan him from the crowd.

He points to where Tails is, almost getting away from their view as he goes into one of the tubes. However, she caught a glimpse of him before he left, her eyes widening as she smiled widely, "He's here!" She beams. Both Sonic and Y/n immediately ran to where Tails went, going through the tube. Their eyes scanning through the crowd as they then found Tails again, "Tails!" Y/n shouts, passing through the crowd to reach her best friend/crush.

"Tails!" Sonic calls out; however, no response was made as he continued to walk away. Y/n raises her brow at this, "Why isn't he responding?" She asks herself. She then felt someone grabbing her hand, just as she was about to pull away, she realized it was just Sonic, "C'mon Y/n, we gotta catch up to him!" Sonic exclaims, grabbing her hand as they both pass through the crowd.

They then see Tails taking a turn, causing the duo to go in his direction, only to stop when Tails was no longer in view, now it was just an empty station and them two. "Wait, what?" Sonic questions, letting go of her hand. Y/n walks next to him, confused as her brow was raised, "I don't understand, he went this way, right?" She asks Sonic. He nods, his brow raised as well, "Yeah, he went here." Sonic responds, confused.

The duo then walks the empty station, both cautiously looking at their surroundings. At the end of the station, they reached towards a red door, next to it was the machine to enter the code. "Now this is familiar." Y/n smiles. "Huh, I knew you were here somewhere" Sonic mutters. Y/n smiles as she playfully rolls her eyes at him, she then looks at the code. An idea formed as she hopefully figured out the passcode, "Please be the same..." She mutters as she enters the code, 1992.

As soon as she typed it in, the door opened, causing them to smile. "Nice one, Y/n!" Sonic congratulates, high fiving the girl, "Tails, you crafty fox." Sonic smiles as he began to walk inside the room.

𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐘𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 || Prime! Tails *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now