𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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-The Yoke's on You-

Chapter Name:
\\ Rebel and Knucks \\


OUTSIDE IN NEW YOKE CITY, just a few minutes before the trio's capture, both Knucks and Rebel were jumping from building to building, hearing the announcement broadcasting, "Attention denizens, be a good egg. Obey the council. Everyone must move in an orderly fashion. Keep a single file line when moving to your destination."

The announcer then showed a variety of pictures of Sonic and Y/n, "Any information you have about the blue hedgehog and the girl, come forward." Distorted voices of Y/n and Sonic then started play, with Bigs looking at his frog, worriedly. Inside the houses were mothers instructing their children, "Dream only egg thoughts." One mother says robotically. "Egg is perfect" Another adds.

As both Knucks and Rebel continue to jump, they soon ducked down when they see Dr. Babbles capturing the trio. "I understand her, but are you sure we were best friends?" They hear the mysterious fox deadpanning as they all started to get far from their sight.

Rebel and Knucks raised their heads, "Blue Streak and Smarty has a friend?" Knucks questions. "Didn't look friendly" Rebel adds, "But whoever he is, he's involved now." Rebel's watch then started to blink, as she presses the button, a raccoon's face started to appear, "Hey boss! You gotta get back to HQ now, there's something you gotta see." The mobian states as he then disappears.

Rebel turns towards Knucks, as she then started run and fly down the building. She then stops at a pipe, inspecting her area in caution as she then goes inside. Knucks narrows his eyes at his surroundings, seeing nothing out of the ordinary he goes inside the pipe as well.


INSIDE HQ, THREE MOBIANS all stood around the computer. The door clicks behind them, revealing it to be Knucks and Rebel. "Rebel Rouge, Renegade Knucks, right over here." The raccoon calls out, gesturing towards the computer. The two then walked over to the computer, seeing that it was footage of Sonic, Y/n, and Nine at the train station.

"Snap out of it! We go way back!" Sonic reasons. "You've got to remember something at least!" Y/n adds. The footage then time forward, "Don't you want to go home?" Sonic asks, "Blue skies, sunny beaches, palm trees?" Sonic lists off. Rebel's eyes widened as she paused the video, processing what Sonic had said. Knucks glances at Rebel, "Did he just say--"



BACK BEFORE NEW YOKE HAPPENED, there were palm trees everywhere! It was hard to miss, really. Birds chirping in delight, and the grass showing off its vibrant color. Rebel hang upside down from a palm tree, sleeping as she uses her wings as a blanket.

A rumble was then heard, which went unnoticed by her. The rumble then continued, now dropping a few coconuts from the same tree as the tree also began to shake, causing Rebel to wake up. Her eyes widened of the harsh vibration from the tree, "Huh? Whoa!" She yelps, falling as she then lands on her knees and hands.

She then heard a machine sound next to her, as she turns to check out what's happening, she sees a machine clearing out a load of palm trees. Her eyes widened at what was happening, "Huh?" She questions as palm trees continued to fall.

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